Multi tank syndrome- how quickly do you succumb


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2005
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Hey everyone.

I'm about to become a dual tank household, one cold water, one tropical, both relatively small (especially compared to tanks seen here...!).

The coldwater until recently housed a 13 yr old common goldfish and an eight year old london shubunkin- sadly my older fish had a traumatic life- including a couple of suicide dives in his younger days- and soon after going blind, he died. His tank mate seems in very good health but I think he may miss his pal- considering another fish- but he's pretty big, gotta be large enough to not be lunch.

The tropical is yet to be set up to house hopefully a couple of dwarf cichlids and some companions.

Already though I am eyeing up other members of the cichlid genus, particularly dwarf varieties, and wondering where I can put a third tank...

Anyone care to share their history in terms of tank numbers?! How did it begin and how fast did you arrive at 10+ tanks :p ... ever wish you'd stuck at one?!!
The only thing that has held me to a single tank is that fact that my girlfriend would go mental if she came home one day to find another one in our house. Have to move to a bigger place before I'm even allowed another small one, let alone the size I'd like (250+ litres).
Hello there, ive been keeping tropicals for about 2 1/2 years now before then, i kept coldwater fish, but it started off with an 18G, then we decided we wanted a bigger one and bought the 35G about 8 months later, then for my birthday last september i decided i wanted a tank in my bedroom, so i got a 20G, and then when my betta died a few months ago i decided to buy another 4G for another betta, and then my latest was at the beggining of may when i bought my 60G yay! and also have another 4G lying spare and going to get another 4G next all in all that will be 8 tanks :D
I never even started out wanting to keep fish - my brother gave me a tank that had been in his garage for years, he was going to chuck it out, and I thought "chuck in some water, couple of fish - cheap hobby!". That was July 2004..... now in June 2005 I am up to 14 tanks......

I'd love a BIG tank though, 100 gallons, I keep eyeing up the Wharf Aquatics website, wouldn't cost that much......

And I'd love a marine tank......

ooooooohhhhhhhhh fishies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8?!! 14?!!!!!!

WOW! Where do you find the space, that's incredible!!

I would LOVE a marine tank, my dream fish to own one day is the clown trigger- loved them since I was a kid- but I have to build up my experience rather, and then find room for something larger.

I hear you on being limited by others however- I'm an ex-student squatting with my dad due to debt- he'd probably have a fit if he came home to more than four tanks...!!
hehe you wait till you see what some other people have and the size of the tanks! when i get my own place big things are gunna happen :p
I used to have MTS big style!! But only have the one tank at the moment, i think its getting lonely, its need friends!

Lol, i dont want more tanks, i neeed more tanks!

sarah your moving soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it took me form jan when i got firts tnak to april to get my second, parents and g/f would go mad for anymore, mainly as they wold ave to go n my room and its an old house not sure teh upstaire would support the weight
Mine started last summer when I picked up a 6-gallon Eclipse tank because I just wanted a fish or two... Then I found my mom's old 20-gallon in our shed and set it up... then another 10, then a 5.5 nano-reef (moved into a 10 now).

When I moved out in March, my new place has a "fishroom" which has a 5.5G, two 10G's (one is my nano-reef), my 20G, and 12 betta tanks. The 6G is in the livingroom now.

I still have room for another tank in the fishroom -- I'm thinking a 30 or 40 gallon! I can't wait!! (Just trying to get the money together.)
Lol, i had exactly the same feeling when i sold my 50's, space was everywhere! Just perfect for a new 90 lol.
Well, I got a tiny 5G, and stocked it with 5 danios and 5 harlequins + a common plec. Needless to say, I soon figured out that didnt work :p
So then my second tank came in, another 5G, the danios went in there. I overfed, got planaria and freaked out! Looked for help, and found this forum!
Got a 13G for my fish, bought an algae eater as well (CAE)

Umm ... what happened after that ... oh yeah! I got a quaranteen tank (15G) because some of my danios were ill (they all survived). Then I upgraded my tank to a 40G because my common plec started to get too big. I got some corydoras, yadayadayada ... by now most of my other tanks were stocked as well :p

Friend got a 55G from one of his cousins, I could have it for free ... couldn't say no! Moved my corydoras in there and they started spawning! Moved the eggs in a small 2.5G tank, but they grew ... got a 20G for them :p

Well, I kind of ended up having:
2.5G critter tank
5G fry tank
13G puffer tank
15G CAE tank
15G brackish bumblee gobie tank
20G fry tank
40G community tank
55G community tank

Oh yeah, along the way I also found a 75G for free, but that didn't fit in my room ... so gave that to my mum (ain't I nice now? ... you have no clue how much I regret that tank not being mine, but hey!:p).

All this happened within 6 months :X (I'm a good girl now, and haven't bought any new tanks in the last half a year!) I do often wonder if I wouldn't be better off throwing some tanks out ... but my fish simply can not live in the same tank (aggression, brackish, etc) ... and I couldn't sell my fish. So guess I'll have to stick with what I got now.
I hadn't had a tank in many years. What got me bck into it was building a patio that turned into a pond (the patio never got built though :lol: ) Then I patched up a bathtub to save the baby goldfish to find out it was too cold in the winter in so little water. I was really upset then but uh in retrospect what did I think I was going to do with 80 goldfish?

We had a ten gallon tub thing that had been floating around the yard. We decided to put the babies in there. Too many in two little space no matter how you filter it.

The petshop had weather loaches I thought would work in the pond I bought two couldn't see them and bought two more for a glass aquarium I had (ten gallon with a patched corner). Then I saw the petshop had zebra danios (plain and gold some long finned some not) and wc minnows for 10 cents each. I bought 10 thinking it would fill up the little tank so I wouldn't have to worry about trying to save all the little goldies.

I decided that winter after bringing the dojos in (too much of a temperature shift going into winter to leave them) I wanted a big tank. At that point I got a pair of gold gouramis. About 8 years ago there was a 7.4 earthquake though so I wasn't allowed to go with glass and acrylic was too much....My fish are housed in stock tanks (my 75 cost less than 100$). Some people hate the top view but I like it.

I sent my boyfriend out to get loaches one day and he brought home a violet goby. Long and eely same thing right? It died before the day was out so I bought two marbled gobies and a 40 gallon tank....Then two more violets and some bichirs...

A friend gave me a 8 gallon hex tank. I always get extras ;) I thought I was going to use it for my livebearer fry but I used the filter system that came with it which is an ugf run by a 100 gph power head....umm the danios I have in there like it.

I got another ten gallon a few months ago which was actually for a snake we had but we ended up letting go again. So I moved my ghost shrimp into it after having a betta that croaked just outside it's warranty period.

Not all that long ago I was admiring some big clown knives. Little did I know that by expressing interest in them I'd end up with them. The idea was I'd get them after I built my indoor pond. The people that had them got sick of them and had me come and get them. They decided the Jack Dempsey in the tank could go too. I had them in a 55 gallon drum but they hated being cramped. I brought it up around a woman I worked for and she says "Look out my front door see that big metal tank? You can have it if it helps...." So I brought it home put some old pool liner in it outside and put them in there. They're a lot happier with the arrangement.

It's only been a year since I bought those weather loaches :rofl:
I bought my first 10G for my birthday.....4 weeks later, I bought a another..
My girlfriend got me started when she took a 38 Gallon tank from a friend. Since setting that up she has now bought or OKed 5 more tanks.

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