Mulitple Tanks


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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I have two 10 gallon tanks set up now each with a Topfin 10 power external filter. Both have a heater now sure how big each are... Both are set up with two 15watt light bulbs each.

SO in the end i have 6 cords and plugs. I have a surge protector with those six cords plugged into it. Ive been running it like this for about 2 years now.
I want to add a third 10 gallon tank in the near future. The only place i have for it is right next to the other two by the same outlet.

If i get another surge protector and plug in the next three cords from the new tank into it. and have the surge protector plugged in below the other will i be fine? What would be the best way to run 9 plugs? How does everyone else run their multiple tanks?

we are running the following from a double socket

2 PC's
1 printer
1 router
3 heaters
3 filters
1 air pump
3 lights

even if everything is on at the same time it will only draw 8.6 amps
(yep I'm that sad - I worked it all out)

So in theory it can all be powered from one outlet :)
as long as the total current does not exceed 13A (the probable rating of the fuse in the extension lead) then you'll be fine.
Just to give you an idea; a 300W heater which is basically the most current hungry item in a fish tank will draw around 1.3 Amps. and an average filter will draw about 0.03 Amps, so I think you'll be fine!
BTW this is if you are in the UK!!!
Thanx, well i think i should be fine.

Actually now i think i want to upgrade to a 29gal tank! instead of another 10. Im getting tired of going to the pet store and not being able to get some of the larger more prettier fish!

Actually now i think i want to upgrade to a 29gal tank! instead of another 10. Im getting tired of going to the pet store and not being able to get some of the larger more prettier fish!
That is how it starts. ;)
I was told by my electrician that each electrical circuit will handle, in Newfoundland Canada at least, any combination up to 1500W at 15amps AND to a maximum of 8 connections. That means I was pushing it a small bit, if I followed the code, when I had
2 heaters (50W + 300W),
3 filters(~50W??),
a UV(18W),
2 lights(30W + 200W), and
2 air pumps(~5W??) from 2 powerbars.

around 650W and 10 connections. I didn't really understand the problem but took his professional advice and split the load for each tank to their own receptacle.

Clear as mud???

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