Ive not kept them yet but i can tell you that they are brackish fish that need a tank set up as a aqua terranium with at least one third of the tank being land. They grow to around 8 inches so a minimum of a 48x12x15 tank is recomended.
Would I be able to keep other brackish fish with them? I guess for mudskippers the water would be quite shallow because of the land. Would this rule out any other fish?
In most situations mudskippers are a species tank only fish because of the way the tank must be set up but in a large enough tank with a bit of thought you could have areas of land, shallow water and deep water to be able to stock a mixture of fish.
I'm told that they mix well with fiddler crabs which like the same sort of enviroment (think mangrove swamp)
For some reason these crabs which would normally try to eat fish seem to leave mudskippers alone.
Maybe they taste foul.
I seem to recall a lps had a show tank setup with archers and mudskippers setup. Now I think about it it's probably not the best companions...and the shop isclosed now...
You can keep other fish in with them, and If you get a big enought tank you may even be able to keep a deep bodied fish like a mono or a school of archers, however filtration would be a pain.
i have mudskippers but i'm letting them go, i caught them yesterday. Getting more in a couple of weeks. I have heard that they can be kept with archer fish.