MTS Taking hold...

Some symptoms I am struggling to control:

I look at my LR sofa and think that a 55g bowfront tank would be a much better use of that space.I could always kick back on a beanbag chair and watch the fish.

Unable to pass garage sales without scanning for furniture suitable to hold tanks.

Going to Wal Mart and being drawn irresistably to the fish aisle.(The selection and return policy is actually better than our local lfs :eek: )

Buying that beautiful but out of the budget tank ornament because there are only two on the shelf and I might never find another like it.And if it turns out to be too large for my current tanks,thinking it's ok cause I'll have a bigger tank soon.

Thinking the betta will really be happy when I get a bigger tank because then he can take over the 5g.

Constantly finding another excuse to stop by the lfs.

Being glad there are posts like this one so I know I'm not alone :D

Koda said:
Unable to pass garage sales without scanning for furniture suitable to hold tanks.
:rofl: :rofl:

That is soooo me!! :lol: I can't even pass a sign without turning down the street to cruise by :X Now my daughter does the lookout, if I miss one she yells "We just passed a garage sale mom! But I didn't see any tanks" :lol:
Take a look at my sig, it's not even current, I've added tanks since I posted it. My wonderful wife indulges my disease, bless her heart, made sure that the house we bought was going to have a place for me to pursue my hobby. One day she came out to the fishroom and saw I had set up about a dozen tanks up and running, told me "You might be getting a little carried away", well, my jaw dropped and I said "Oh, I'm only just getting ain't seen nothing yet". I'm still not done, and having a blast! Hope there aint no cure :D
People you are all hopeless. You must have some restraint. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being so self indulgent . It is utter madness to spend all of you hard earned money on fish tanks and fish

yes i do agree with this comment... have some restraint ppl u dont see me buying tanks wholesale

*eagerly awaits sunday when new tank comes, also eagerly awaiting friday payday cause of goin lfs*

*cough* yeah get some restraint... :*)
It will take hold alright, take hold of your wallet that is. I've spent so much on tanks and fish and today i bought a 4th tank. Its only a couple of gallons but is perfect for my new betta (eeeeek 2nd betta in a week...)

why oh why would you want to find a cure anyway!!!

i just set up my 2nd tank in the lounge and then i'm going to start on my summer project, the shed full of tanks that is taking shape nicely, theres only one thing wrong as far as i can tell, not enough tanks yet!!!!
next house is going to be the one... Lorna said lastnigh (after seein gthis thread)...

"You know its quite sad... We'll go to look at houses and only buy based on where we can put tanks"

:kana: :kana:

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