Some symptoms I am struggling to control:
I look at my LR sofa and think that a 55g bowfront tank would be a much better use of that space.I could always kick back on a beanbag chair and watch the fish.
Unable to pass garage sales without scanning for furniture suitable to hold tanks.
Going to Wal Mart and being drawn irresistably to the fish aisle.(The selection and return policy is actually better than our local lfs
Buying that beautiful but out of the budget tank ornament because there are only two on the shelf and I might never find another like it.And if it turns out to be too large for my current tanks,thinking it's ok cause I'll have a bigger tank soon.
Thinking the betta will really be happy when I get a bigger tank because then he can take over the 5g.
Constantly finding another excuse to stop by the lfs.
Being glad there are posts like this one so I know I'm not alone
I look at my LR sofa and think that a 55g bowfront tank would be a much better use of that space.I could always kick back on a beanbag chair and watch the fish.
Unable to pass garage sales without scanning for furniture suitable to hold tanks.
Going to Wal Mart and being drawn irresistably to the fish aisle.(The selection and return policy is actually better than our local lfs
Buying that beautiful but out of the budget tank ornament because there are only two on the shelf and I might never find another like it.And if it turns out to be too large for my current tanks,thinking it's ok cause I'll have a bigger tank soon.
Thinking the betta will really be happy when I get a bigger tank because then he can take over the 5g.
Constantly finding another excuse to stop by the lfs.
Being glad there are posts like this one so I know I'm not alone