MTS Taking hold...


My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Milton Keynes - UK
We havent even got the 35gal going yet and we've (Ok I've) bought another tank...

We were planning on a Zebra (plecs) breeding tank - so that is what i'm claiming it is.... but the office still has easy room for one more so this'll probably be a corry tank :)

Do i need to prepare for the next one or does MTS ease over time? :whistle:
smithrc said:
.... but the office still has easy room for one more so this'll probably be a corry tank :)

Do i need to prepare for the next one or does MTS ease over time? :whistle:
Hi smithrc :)

Not if you're planning a cory tank! :lol:

Those little fellows sure know how to spawn! :wub:
I just got suckered in too :lol: I've got my 46g and then I just got a 10g for breeding, but am already trying to think of fun things to do with it if I get tired of breeding :rolleyes:
no cure for it i am afraid... i had a community tank.. thing is some fish are better not kept with others, so then comes another ... oh but then must get a betta ... so another tank ... and so on.. and so on .. :) pebbs
this ones a 30gal (us) so its not small either :)

One mor in this house i think... then we'll have to move :)

Once we've moved to a house we'll stay in for ages, I'll get a wall taken out and the BIGGEST tank we can fit will become our dividing wall :)
(My dads a builder so it'll be done properly)

Best start saving up now, we might need to move sooner than we thought :lol:

if you find a cure for mts, please share it. :D my husband has a fit every time i leave the house now, he makes me promise not to buy a new tank. :/ i think i will try to sneak out before he wakes up saturday. if i don't promise not to then i guess that means i can, right? :whistle:
karrihug said:
if you find a cure for mts, please share it. :D my husband has a fit every time i leave the house now, he makes me promise not to buy a new tank. :/ i think i will try to sneak out before he wakes up saturday. if i don't promise not to then i guess that means i can, right? :whistle:
It sure does :thumbs: :)

Oh and while you're at it pick me up a 55gal :p
karrihug said:
... i think i will try to sneak out before he wakes up saturday. if i don't promise not to then i guess that means i can, right? :whistle:
Hi karrihug :)

Right! And, if you buy one at a yard sale, it won't count at all. Only "new" tanks count and they are "old." :shifty:
People you are all hopeless. You must have some restraint. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being so self indulgent . It is utter madness to spend all of you hard earned money on fish tanks and fish. *as wife finds him checking under the cushions for loose change *

did i say that :lol:
thanks inchworm, :D i hadn't thought of that one yet. have to get he paper and see where all the garage sales are this weekend :kana:
:lol: :rofl: :lol:

Look at the kind of people I'm hanging out with! No wonder I keep wanting more tanks! :look:

Just kidding! :*)
At least you passed the first step - you admitted you have a problem :D .

We cured our MTS pretty quick recently when we were planning our vacation this year. We said "what are we going to do about all the tanks when we're out of town?" :eek:
We didn't think about that when we went crazy buying them, especially the 240-gallon. There isn't anyone close by that we know that is too knowledgeable about keeping fish. Luckily our first trip will only be 4 days. Lots of people on this forum said fish can go up to a week without food, that helps. Our neighbors will check on the house while we're gone but I don't know if I trust them to feed the fish. Well, at least they can call us if one busts or something... :(

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