MTS sufferer gone mad


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Bedford, England
Someone, in a previous, thread, said there was only one cure for MTS, buy more tanks! Well, I'm taking your advice but I don't think my appetite will ever be satisfied! :D
kribsinvcrib said:
Someone, in a previous, thread, said there was only one cure for MTS, buy more tanks! Well, I'm taking your advice but I don't think my appetite will ever be satisfied! :D
Ooh, what new tank are you getting? :)
no, it won't be. why? because soon, you'll run out space in one room, then your tanks will take over another room, and then another and then another. pretty soon, youre going to have get a new house to fit all your tanks. the madness only continues from there. its a never ending cycle.............get it, cycle? okay, i'm done here. :rolleyes:
SimonA said:
Think about how much your electricty bill would be and how much it would cost food/weekly water changes.
i tried that. doesn't work. my 210 is cycling, and i am still trying to figure out what to put in it, i have a brand new 29 on the floor next to me right now, haven't had time to set it up. AND I STILL WANT MORE :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Im onto 7 tanks now, but 3 of those are 5g and under betta tanks (with friends - otos, pygmy corys etc).

Then I have a 6G divided into 4 for bettas, a 9 G, 15G & a nice big 50G.

And yes, I STILL want more, but am filling up my current tanks. I cant get any more big tanks until I move house.

yes it is Multiple tank Syndrome.

And it looks like you are on your way there with another tank cycling ;)... just you wait!

bunjiweb said:
yes it is Multiple tank Syndrome.

And it looks like you are on your way there with another tank cycling ;)... just you wait!

Oh god tell me about it! :rolleyes: I just got the smaller one that's being cycled a few weeks ago and already a friend of mine is trying to get me to buy another friends tank inc. fish off them (he's moving to a small flat and doesn't have the space for the tank) but I can't afford it!!!!! It's like I want more!!! :hyper: but I'll just have to be patient, there's plenty of time.....! :D
Helium_Junkie said:
Ooh, what new tank are you getting? :)
What a :cool: couple days I've had.

I've had 100's of baby Long-finned Leopard Danio fry's born in my snailarium. Thankfully the snails didn't make a meal of the eggs. So have now bought a 'baby fry community tank' to accommodate them and any other fry's I get.

The tank is only a 5.5g (UK)/6.5g(US) with the sole intention of nurturing fry until they're old/big enough to go into a yet-to-be-purchased 'new arrivals' tank. Yep, another tanks' on the cards.

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