pm'd matematt pm me your addy so as i can get payment to you.
pm'd matematt pm me your addy so as i can get payment to you.
no probs Tom, pm me with details mateyes ill have a big bunch 20 bigger one
yes ive got plenty of MTS but sorry no assassin snails....Hi Mattlee, you still got any available? Looking for 20 larger sized ones if you have any...
I don't suppose you have any assassin snails too
yes ive got plenty of MTS but sorry no assassin snails....Hi Mattlee, you still got any available? Looking for 20 larger sized ones if you have any...
I don't suppose you have any assassin snails too
pm me your details etrc and ill get them sent asap
the reason you cant pm is because you need to have posted a certain amount of times before it will allow you...Can I get like 100. Or as many as you can fit in the mail packet? I tried to email you through your profile cause I can't seem to figure out how to PM on these forums. Oh, btw I am new. Hi all!