When I first added Mr. Grumbles (thats my betta, cause he looks grumpy all the time) to his own 10 gallon tank, he would zoom around the tank all the time, flaring at absolutely nothing and being rather hyper active in comparison to my other fish in my bigger tanks.
Over the last few days, though, his activity has halted, and he's acting more like what I expected, a lazy, shiny blue fish with anger issues and a grumpy face.
I thought maybe the seeded media in his filter had stalled and maybe there was a spike in ammonia and nitrites, and did a test, but both were 0. I do weekly 50% water changes, (but he's only been here for a week, so that means hes only been through 1 water change) and even so, bettas can be kept in unfiltered tanks a quarter the size from what I've seen on the forums, so I wouldn't think it would matter too much even if the bacteria stalled
The temperature is kept at 77 consistently, water is treated with seachem prime during changes, no other tank mates, diet is peas once a week, tetracolor tropical flakes once a day the rest of the time, sand substrate, tacky plastic decorations (to be replaced with Java ferns and moss and Anubias) water tested with API master test kit. Don't think I'm missing anything here
Is it possible he's just... Bored? I'll be adding a school of glow light tetras whenever the lfs gets their next shipment of them. Would that help with activity or curiosity in any way? The only other compatible fish I've got (if they are even compatible with the betta) are a couple female apistos.
I know I could increase its activity by throwing it in the tsnl with glory, but that would be more of a "running for dear life" activity LOL, go ahead, place some bets which way the head will roll (kidding, kidding)
Any insight is appreciated, thanks much
Over the last few days, though, his activity has halted, and he's acting more like what I expected, a lazy, shiny blue fish with anger issues and a grumpy face.
I thought maybe the seeded media in his filter had stalled and maybe there was a spike in ammonia and nitrites, and did a test, but both were 0. I do weekly 50% water changes, (but he's only been here for a week, so that means hes only been through 1 water change) and even so, bettas can be kept in unfiltered tanks a quarter the size from what I've seen on the forums, so I wouldn't think it would matter too much even if the bacteria stalled
The temperature is kept at 77 consistently, water is treated with seachem prime during changes, no other tank mates, diet is peas once a week, tetracolor tropical flakes once a day the rest of the time, sand substrate, tacky plastic decorations (to be replaced with Java ferns and moss and Anubias) water tested with API master test kit. Don't think I'm missing anything here
Is it possible he's just... Bored? I'll be adding a school of glow light tetras whenever the lfs gets their next shipment of them. Would that help with activity or curiosity in any way? The only other compatible fish I've got (if they are even compatible with the betta) are a couple female apistos.
I know I could increase its activity by throwing it in the tsnl with glory, but that would be more of a "running for dear life" activity LOL, go ahead, place some bets which way the head will roll (kidding, kidding)
Any insight is appreciated, thanks much