

Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
I am going to be moving to a new house soon. I have 6 tanks right now, 2 are empty, so I don't have to worry about them. My question is, how do I move my other 4 tanks? I have 1 pretty big kissing gourami, so what can I put her in?

Any help is greatly appreciated! I want my fish to survive the move. -_-

Hello Annastasia!
If you don't hear any ideas that you like, do a search on these forums, I'm sure I've seen this topic before and read some very thought out solutions. :D
Happy moving day!

At least your tanks aren't too big. If I were you I would take the two empty ones to the new location and set them up and transfer the live fish in large 5 gallon buckets. Be shure to get a biological additive like cycle, stress zyme, or Bio-spira. You will need it.
Pescado Guy said:
At least your tanks aren't too big. If I were you I would take the two empty ones to the new location and set them up and transfer the live fish in large 5 gallon buckets. Be shure to get a biological additive like cycle, stress zyme, or Bio-spira. You will need it.
That is a good idea, but what if your kissing gourami doesn't fit in a 5 gallon bucket? :eek:

And, I canot fit all my fish in the 2 tanks in the new house. The newer ones are only a 20 and 35. Well, maybe they could. Any other suggestions?

Oh, and should I do all the tanks in 1 day?
jams.alaskan said:
Hello Annastasia!
If you don't hear any ideas that you like, do a search on these forums, I'm sure I've seen this topic before and read some very thought out solutions. :D
Happy moving day!

Thanks Jams.alskan! I will do a search if I don't find any good ideas on here.

I am not that happy that we are moving, because I have to move further away from my friends and vaulting and stuff, but it's a bigger house, so more room for fish! And, my parents said that once we move, they are going to get me a 55 gallon. YEAH!!! :hyper:
I think Pescado Guy's idea will work just fine and even if you were to take a couple of days or so moving the fish and tanks your 2 tanks will hold those fish for a short time. Just monitor the fish and water. Make sure you separate the fish so that the least amount of snacking/harassment will take place and you should be on your way. How far is the move? :)
Well, none of my fish harrass other fish in the tanks, but they could when they are stressed out. Again, what if your fish doesn't fit in the bucket? What should I move Angel with?

The move is about 20-25 minutes. Not to bad.
hmmm, what do stores do when they selll you really big fish? do they use really big bags? hmmm i wonder.....
well whatever they do is what you should do. The idea with the tanks sounds like a good one just make sure you use tank water from tanks at your current house to fill the ones at your new house. :thumbs:
flyhockey1037 said:
hmmm, what do stores do when they selll you really big fish? do they use really big bags? hmmm i wonder.....
well whatever they do is what you should do. The idea with the tanks sounds like a good one just make sure you use tank water from tanks at your current house to fill the ones at your new house. :thumbs:
I have never gotten a really big fish from the store before. I raised Angel from a little kisser. So I don't know.

I could go ask the lfs.
i had to do a similar move recently. i just put them in large containers with tank water and set up the tanks as soon as we got tothe new place. i emptied the tanks to just a few inches of water (enough to keep the gravel wet and to submerse my filter media to keep it wet for the trip so not too much of the beneficial bacteria would die off. i did have fish loss but nothing too major (he'd been ill for weeks anyway due to a bad water change, just couldn't handle the extra stress). i divided my fish by behavior (the catfish and the shark got their own containers, the mollies all piled into one). worked well. you could look into getting some bags from the lfs, but i felt a solid container was better. some people have suggested getting the bait buckets to hold live fish, and my one lfs suggested using a cooler.
How big is this fish that it wont fit in a 5 gallon bucket :huh: :/ If it wont fit in that then i have used a large bag to transport a pleco that had grown well beyond the 12-14" they are supposed to. I got it from a packing company, it was clear thick plastic and i washed it about a billion times :p and used plenty of stress coat. :)
A cooler. Hmmmmm. Wonder what Angie would think of that. Do you keep the top open?
Any ideas how to divide my fish?
tstenback said:
How big is this fish that it wont fit in a 5 gallon bucket :huh: :/ If it wont fit in that then i have used a large bag to transport a pleco that had grown well beyond the 12-14" they are supposed to. I got it from a packing company, it was clear thick plastic and i washed it about a billion times :p and used plenty of stress coat. :)
The fish is about 6-7" She freaks out in any container. And I mean FREAKS out. Splashing all over, jumping, the works. I used a well washed out cat litter box, to transport my 18" pleco.

Hmmmm. What to do.
I dunno if this helps or not and I know people dont recommend what I did, but i didnt trust any bucket. but i moved my tank the very last (at the time only had the 29 in my sig.) I mean it was the very last thing out of my house i drained the water to about 10 gallons ( I only had tetras and corys at the time) put the tank in my floor board and drove to the new house about a 20 minute drive but it took 40 because I drove slow and had 3 people help me cary the tank. good luck....
See, I moved my 10 gallon that way, but I guess I could move the 30 gallon like that too. Well, thanks a lot guys.

Any other suggestions?

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