Moving With Fish?


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Mar 21, 2009
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Okay, here's the deal. There's a good chance I'll be moving to another state within the next year or two. We'd be traveling by car (it's about an 8 hour ride). My question is: What is the best way to transport fish for such a move? I'm thinking I would probably have to drain the aquariums, and pack the fish carefully into small, secure containers (with adequate water of course!). Has anyone here traveled with fish? Can you give me some advice or share your experiences? Currently I have 3 female bettas, 1 male betta (but am soon hoping to get more), and 2 Gouramis. Do fish tolerate a car ride okay?

Thanks in advance.
if you have battery powered pumps, id suggest using them. 8hours will be fine, but better safe then sorry. also, depending on your filtration set up, you might want to keep the media in another bucket so its fully submerged. less chance of losing bacteria during the move.
as long as theyre in a secure covered container with sufficient water, they will be fine on the ride.
Hi, I took my ten gallon up to college with me one year. The ride was three hours and then we stayed in a hotel for a night and set up the tank the next day. They all did fine. I tried to take with me as much tank water as possible, so I wouldn't shock them when I put them back into their tank. I filled one 5 gallon bucket with tank water and I transported the fish in there. I filled the other 5 gallon bucket with filter media, plants, my gravel, and tank water. I put my two buckets in the back seat of my car so they wouldn't get two cold.
I only brought a five gallon beta tank up this year. I put my beta in a little tuber ware container with holes in the top. When I put him in the car I put rags around his container to help it stay still. I put his fake plants, gravel, water, and filter media in one of my buckets. He traveled jut fine too.

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