Moving Tanks and Fry

Have you added anything in the tank? Ask family members they they sprayed any kind of chemical/perfume in the room. Does the tank have a lid?
It's okay, sorry for getting annoyed, it's just frustrating when you want to help and can see that the fish are suffering, but can't get the info. I know it's easy to forget though, especially when you're panicking.

I'd keep up large daily water changes, in the hopes of reducing whatever is in the water that's stressing them. Make sure nothing can be getting in the water, like a plug in air freshener or something, and that no one is spraying any cleaning chemicals in there.

When you moved them, did you put them in a new tank? Or clean out their old tank or anything? Move them a different room or area? Has the temperature remained the same? Did you add any new decor, plants, fish or anything?

Any other symptoms of illness? What are the fish doing now, still clamped, gasping? Is that one guppy still swimming weirdly, or did he pass?
It’s the same tank, I didn’t change anything about it. It’s a different area, the same room. The temp hasn’t changed, I made sure the new water matched. That one guppy did pass. The two left are still clamped and gasping at the surface. The Platys show no signs of illness.
Have you added anything in the tank? Ask family members they they sprayed any kind of chemical/perfume in the room. Does the tank have a lid?
I haven’t added anything to the tank, and this tank is in my room, so I my family wouldn’t have sprayed anything into it. And yes, it has a lid.
Usually fish are dramatically effected by something added to the tank.

This makes no sense... how long have you need doing the water changes?

Just to ask and it might have already when you moved them what did you put them in. Is it something you use only for fish.
Did you clean the tank? Even wipe it on the waterline with anything to get off the scum
Did you fill with water and get it to temp before adding the fish.

Just to ask and it might have already when you moved them what did you put them in. Is it something you use only for fish.
Did you clean the tank? Even wipe it on the waterline with anything to get off the scum
Did you fill with water and get it to temp before adding the fish.
I didn’t clean the tank, just picked it up and moved it to a new location. Yes, it was all set up before I moved the fish in. It was the same tank they were living in before.

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