Moving Rcs To A New Tank Correctly?


Apr 11, 2013
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I heard you're supposed to use a "drip method" for getting RCS used to the new tank's water when you move them.  How do you do this?  I had 9 of my 10 die and the one left is very healthy, so now I know it's not a problem with my well water.    
You should totally do this:
I totally went "OMG" at the end of this video. Who is this guy?!?
He's got some nice fish. That looked fairly complicated, so I might just try a simplified version when I do it.  I understood how it worked so and all.  
Just don't use the fish bags to drip water into them. Use a container with big surface area, deep enough and dark, also cover with a towel or similar to keep them in the dark for minimal stress and net them after with lights off. Feed your fish prior so they don't attack the shrimp as food. Also, give the shrimp something to hang on to while acclimating, like a piece of sponge.
I did write my drip acclimation method somewhere in some thread but can't recall where, sorry. It was a while ago.
Just use an airline with a few knots on it that you can tighten, and drip water from the main tank into the container with the shrimp. Secure the top airline to your tank so it doesn't fall. Also, don't turn off filters, heaters, just keep topping the tank with prepared dechlorinated and temperature matched water on the go, while it drips into the shrimp container. Don't forget though :)
Adjust it to several drops per second. Once the water doubles, remove half, then once it increases again, remove some and like that for about 45min to 1hr.
You can of course compare the Ph of your water with that of the shrimp water and net the shrimp once this has equaled, as long as it takes. The last 15-20 minutes you can loosen the knots a bit so it drips faster. This way the temperatures will match at the end as well.
Inverts are more sensitive than fish and drip acclimation is best for them.

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