Moving My Betta


Mostly New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Hi everybody, I am transferring my male betta to a bigger aquarium soon and taking some media from the filter to kickstart the new filter, what I wanted to know is when his new tank has reached the required temparature can I put him straight in his new tank or will I need to wait a few hours, also I am going to put him in my other tropical set up in a plastic hatchery container as I am using the sand and water from his other tank just until I get it all done, this wont stress him to much will it as I don't want to kill him, I know he will benefit in the long run but don't want to make him poorly, i just felt like I wanted to buy him a bigger tank and give him more space, he's such a lovely fish and full of character and just want the very best for him
waiting wouldnt hurt just remeber to acclimate him in the new water for 15 minutes and release him
Keep an eye on the ammonia and nitrite readings as well and be prepared to do some water changes if anything shows up.
What size tank are you getting him? We'd love to see pics once its all set up :)
He's going in a 45 litre aquarium, I would have liked to have gone even bigger but am limited for space, at the moment he's in a 25 litre, yes I will post some pics when all set up, hopefully I will be sorting it out over the coming weekend, will test regularly and do necessary water changes

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