we have just (as in today) moved all our fish to my parents so that we have next weekend to move ourselves
having spent the last 2 days doing it - its not too difficult...
one thing I will be doing differently when we move them to their final home - sealable buckets for the fish. we had to re think the bags for the clown loaches and the plecs due to holes in bags
On a trip like that bring the water up a couple of degrees before packing to give a bit longer at a good temp.
just to reasure you, we used bags in the poly boxes and after a 2 hour wait the temp had bearly moved. (we packed the air gaps with bubble wrap to help too)
we took down our 4ft and boxed the fish at that point. then moved the tank and set it back up. (keeping the gravel and the filters wet) we then set the tank back up and put the fish back in after the tank was up to temperature. we then did it with our next larges tank (that was yerturday).
today we condensed two more tanks into the already setup tanks... 5 tanks of filters now running in 2 tanks.
thankfully we can leave the tanks at my parents untill we are setup in our new house.