Moving House

Well today is the day I move the tank.

Went to the LFS yesterday to ask their advice on moving the tank and was told EVERYTHING would die within 4 hours.

Apparently within 4 hours all the bacteria will be dead and a massive spike will kill any surviving fish when i set it back up later in the day.

What a bunch of cocks.

Im planning as follows.

80L dustbin with lid.
Syphon water from tank into bin.
Place all live rock in the bin secure so it cant shift.
Leave CUC in the bin with the rocks.
Blue tang will probably have to stay in with the rocks as he hides deep inside one and there is no way I can catch him.
Bag leathers and float on surface.
Bag fish and float on surface. (OR SHOULD I JUST PUT THE FISH IN WITH THE ROCK ?)
Keep warm.
Load stand into car.
Load tank/substrate into car. (water level enough to keep substrate wet)
Load 80L bin into car.

Drive North.
well, the tank move was painless - 4 hours from power off to power up.

All inhabitants survived too which is a bonus and one in the eye for Porton Garden Centre's "Marine Expert" - thank fully they will no longer be my LFS.
Ace, well done, just monitor your ammonia and nitrate levels over the next week just to check for possible mini-cycles that might have resulted from kicking up detritus in the tank.

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