Fish Crazy
Hey. Think i'm moving to texas A&M uni in august for 4 months from the UK.... Anyone live in the area? what is the university like? anyoneone on here at the uni?
Thanks Adam
Thanks Adam
Never been to the school, but hope you like warm weather
College Station is land locked, so, locally, quarries or lakes. HOWEVER...Mexico has some of the best diving around: Cozumel. Next country down from Mexico is Belize with EXCELLENT diving...been to both. Then..another flight...the diving in N. America. The Gulf near Houston is not gonna offer much but you can still dive and see some stuff.
Texas gets hot in the summer.....tornados....and in fall can get some hurricanes.
I can say ONE THING tho': great barbecue, great Mexican food, large beers (everything is bigger in Texas) and I'll stop there.
I'm getting old. I stayed there 20 years ago when I was in high school. There wasn't much to the town then. Eric Borneman lives in Huston and there are some serious reefing crews out there. There are some awsome coral reefs just off Texas. I'm pretty sure Dallas has a very large reef club too.