Fish Herder
Hello everyone as the info below states I have a Juwel Trigon 350 with additional fluval 405 external filter.
But I want to increase the movement of the water in the tank I see the best way of doing this is with a power head of some description but as of yet I have not really researched them so can anyone recommend a good one? Preferably one that sticks to glass with suction cups.
Why increase the flow I hear you ask? My 8 clown loaches is the simple answer they like water to move a bit and at the moment the tanks flow rate seems a little slow.
I look forward to your insight, thoughts and recommendations.
Regards onebto.
But I want to increase the movement of the water in the tank I see the best way of doing this is with a power head of some description but as of yet I have not really researched them so can anyone recommend a good one? Preferably one that sticks to glass with suction cups.
Why increase the flow I hear you ask? My 8 clown loaches is the simple answer they like water to move a bit and at the moment the tanks flow rate seems a little slow.
I look forward to your insight, thoughts and recommendations.
Regards onebto.