Mouse jumps into fryer

Yep, that's where Monty Python's killer white rabbit and the World of Warcraft darkmoon fair rabbit came from. Australia's snake killing bunnies. They'll rip your fuplie head off man.
well this is goodbye. some fish forum people are hypocrites and some are downright scary. hating peoples or animals is something i don’t want to read. sorry- i trust everyone’s knowledge of fish, but this world has enough serious problems and my plan is to not read the bad stuff anymore. just my own survival skill.
well this is goodbye. some fish forum people are hypocrites and some are downright scary. hating peoples or animals is something i don’t want to read. sorry- i trust everyone’s knowledge of fish, but this world has enough serious problems and my plan is to not read the bad stuff anymore. just my own survival skill.
That is your decision. Sorry to see you go...

Edit: I don’t see how I was either scary, or hypocritical.
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