Motor Sting Ray Not Well


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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stingrayt not right
found him upside down on the bottom.
i have tested ph and thats at 7.2.
temp is at 80.
i feed then at 12pm and 1 is fine and was eating fine and 1 is not intrested.
i have put in the treatment called myxazin for his little cut and gave the recommended amount.
he is now sitting on the bottom,
i dont know what to do?
You need to get the standard info for this section.

Water Test results
Tank size
Fish Size
Other inhabitents

it could very well be the meds you have added i would do a 30-40% water change to take them out asap.
when did you add the meds?melafix and esha are the only meds i know that are safe to use with rays :(
im not certain so wait for more replies
tanks 240 litres
fish in tank are two stingrays size 8cm.
one discuss fish

my test kit is cheap and its all i have at the moment.
ph is 7.2
nitrite is 1.5 mgl

im doing a 40% water change now and the other two test now.
back in min
:( :( :( :( :(
thankyou for your help
If you overdose on some meds it will in essence get your fish stoned! I did it by accident to my Betta and luckily saved it by water changes.
nitrite should not be present in a ray tank at the very least the water change will help take it out
good luck mate :good: is the other ray acting strange aswell?
ok nitrite needs to go :blush:

ive tested for ammonia and i think it reads 0.0mgl
and test for nitrate is 25 mg/l i think

the othetr ray seems fine,hiding a bit as water is being taken out now,but seems 100% ok.
any tips on adding the 40% water back in
stingray is shaking around the edge of his body :S

i dont get what is happening.1 is fine the other is not in a good way.

should i add the 40% new water in now? or will it stress him more??

anything i can add to make the nitrite go down?
arrghhhhhh panic im stuck :no: :no: :no: :no:
just use a hose or a bucket and add dechlorinator as your doing it.
the fresh water should bring the nitrite does the wound on the ray look has it got worse it may be infected
do you have any tips to keep nitrite down to a minimum?
cane76 :D
i would look at your filtration what are you running?maybe add another filter as rays need prestine water wanna be turning the whole tank over at least 4 times an hour with nitrite and ammonia being kept at 0.over filter the tank.i would do small water changes(25%) daily until the levels drop to is the little ray doing now?how long has this tank been running before you added the 2 rays?
the tank had been running for at least 60 days.
the test were all fine,then this.
sadly mr ray has died.what i dont understand is the other ray is doing just fine swimming and eating.
hi have a fluval 4 plus filter.
can anyone recommend a decent test kit to buy?,mine is rubbish.
im just sorry that my ray has died really
:no: :no: :no: :no:
Pretty much any master kit will do.

Tetra make one for about £20
the tank had been running for at least 60 days.
the test were all fine,then this.
sadly mr ray has died.what i dont understand is the other ray is doing just fine swimming and eating.
hi have a fluval 4 plus filter.
can anyone recommend a decent test kit to buy?,mine is rubbish.
im just sorry that my ray has died really
:no: :no: :no: :no:
im really sorry to hear that :(
it may have been down to the injury getting infected
I'm sorry to hear that you lost one of them.

60 days is really not long enough to be running a tank before adding rays, a tank isnt even considered mature until it has been running with fish for 6 months as it takes this long for the tank and filtration to become stable enough to add sensative animals such as rays.

Really before considering replacing the lost ray you need to buy a larger tank with some decent filtration, to be honest anything less than 120 gallons (4x2x2') with two large external canisters is not suitable for keeping any size of ray.

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