most expenisve/cheapest fish you bought

I'm with you wuv :*)
Most expensive would be my Discus ($45 each) and two of my plakats ($75 after shipping) I'm crazy :S

Cheapest, I used to have a school of rosy reds in a community tank because I think they are pretty...10 cents each
wow. you guys have some really expensive fish! I wont even spend $5 on a goldfish, one of the fancey ones.
Seriously, though:

Cheapest - 4/$2.99: White Cloud Minnows

Most Expensive - $10/each for plakats that were bred to fight (Evil Ryu, Guile, Pitchfork, and Agni)

Vega (shown below in the signature) cost me $3.
cheapest bronze corrie catfish 2 for 1.50
most expensive my silver dollars at 6.99 a piece

most expensive pet however was my welsh terrier at around $800 (canadian)
Cheapist would be the couple of puffers I aquired from people who didn't know they were aggressive :(

Most expensive was the south african butterfly at a whooping 125$ canadian :-(
Worth every penny though .
Most Expensive fish: Dwarf Gourami - $15 Aus for the pair

Cheapest fish: Neon Tetra- $.75 aus each
single fish was probably my one pleco.(Can't narrow down the exact L#) at about $40USD but for a pack of fish. My Botia Kubotai at 12.99 each x4 that I have.
Most expensive is not even a fish, but an invertebrate: $13.99 for a Wood Shrimp.
Most expensive fish was my tire track eel at $9.99
Least expensive again were inverts; freshwater clams at $3.99
Least expensive fish were my spotted cories at $4.99

The cheapest are two black convicts. One was 4'' and the other was .3'' The second cheapest is my crayfish pinchy. He was 12 cents because he was shiped in with the feeder goldfish at petsmart by mistake. :D score!!

The most expensive was other my GT's or my midas/red devil. $7 each
most expensive, pictus for 6.00$

cheapest, eight gourami (dwarf? I have no idea) that were brought home by my uncle after they'd been left in 'pretty' fountain after a prom party. Of course, had no clue about them and half of them were sick, so most died :/ my brother still has the one somewhere in his tank though! (evil little fish grumble....)
most expensive- clown loaches $11 each
cheapest- goldfish (given by a friend so it's free!) :p

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