I bought;
most expenisive
a paradise fish for £6 (bout $8)
a blue cray fish for £8.50 (bout $12)
My platys for 80p each (bout $1)
And my little goldfish who was free because the fun fair was giving them away quick due to the hot weather.Hes actually still alive n really big now,we did'nt think he'd live.
lol, i actually kinda got my gourami for free because they guy at the lfs couldnt add and when i was returning some passed on fish they were only $3 total, and he said $6, so i got one for free. I havent been to he store scence though, lol.
£3.75 for my panda cories at about 1cm long, at 3cm they're usually £7.50! That's more than twice as much as other types of cories! (anyone know why??) The cheapest were my neons, 6 for £5, I'm not a big spender on fish.
My most expensive fish was probably a Pictus when I started out, around $7 and the cheapest would be some fish I caught out of an storm overflow ditch for free several years ago. I have no idea what species they were though they were transparent and fairly small. Like Glass Cats but this was in Memphis, Tennessee so it couldn't have been those.