most expenisve/cheapest fish you bought


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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what is it and how much did you spend on it?

mine- $4, Cichlid
brothers- $6.99, Angelfish
mine- $.49, Zebra Danio
brothers- $.28, Goldfish
most expensive was bruce my wonderful red tail @ £80.00

and the cheapest would have to be a selection of my larger fish that were rescue fish and therefore free of charge £0.00
a red tail cat fish? Those are pretty fish.
Most expensive is my Leiarius pictus at £65, closely followed by my jardini arowana at £60

Cheapest would be my saxatilis pike cichlid or my Butis butis both of which were free :)
i got a albino catfish, a neon dwarf gourami, and a pleco all for free. even came with a 40gal tank, heater, and a couple filters too.

i think the most i've ever payed for a fish is about $4....that was a betta.
I bought;
most expenisive
a paradise fish for £6 (bout $8)
a blue cray fish for £8.50 (bout $12)

My platys for 80p each (bout $1)
And my little goldfish who was free because the fun fair was giving them away quick due to the hot weather.Hes actually still alive n really big now,we did'nt think he'd live.
lol, i actually kinda got my gourami for free because they guy at the lfs couldnt add and when i was returning some passed on fish they were only $3 total, and he said $6, so i got one for free. I havent been to he store scence though, lol.
well i dnt habv fish (my b/f does) n well as u can c only hav 2 so cheaoest were black neons : 99p and most expensive, molly £2.25
£3.75 for my panda cories at about 1cm long, at 3cm they're usually £7.50! That's more than twice as much as other types of cories! (anyone know why??) The cheapest were my neons, 6 for £5, I'm not a big spender on fish.
cheapest- Fantails for 99 cents each us

Expensive- Either my clown loaches which were 2 for 21.00 us dollars or my red zebra for 8.00 us dollars
My most expensive fish was probably a Pictus when I started out, around $7 and the cheapest would be some fish I caught out of an storm overflow ditch for free several years ago. I have no idea what species they were though they were transparent and fairly small. Like Glass Cats but this was in Memphis, Tennessee so it couldn't have been those.
My most expensive was my $10 betta, my least expensive were the platies I got free.
Most expensive: Sharkfin soup at $40 per bowl

Least expensive: Fried Whiting Sandwich for $1.50
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Most expensive: Sharkfin soup at $40 per bowl

Least expensive: Fried Whiting Sandwich for $1.50
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheapest~ I suppose my veiltails were the cheapest, the fish in my tanks are all 10.00+. I don't really have any cheap or common fish :unsure:

Priciest~ definately my giant bettas, I paid around 75 bucks a piece for them.

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