Most boring fish


New Member
Nov 15, 2020
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Just randomly thinking...
What is the most boring fish you have and why?
Mine has to be the Spotted Raphael. He has a slot inside some driftwood, sits there the whole day. Waits until we go to bed before coming out.
Maybe once a month we will see him/her come out, other than that all you get to see is a tail dangling out of the driftwood.
Boring... :)
Domestic/ornamental Bettas. Not really an interesting fish for me as they are extremely overrated. Plus, their behaviors aren't that really interesting as opposed to keeping other species of Bettas. You can't really keep ornamentals together without them trying to kill each other, but with other species, it is possible to keep them together without little to no issues.
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i had a spiny eel which disappeared under the gravel as soon as i put him in the tank. Would randomly see his head poking out of the gravel in different spots in the tank but he rarely came out.
Probably platys. They don't do anything
Wrong, they poop a lot! That's something!

Most boring for me... hm. Tough one because if I find them boring I won't bring it home lol

But if I had to choose one of what I already own, definitely might be my platies. I like them but they lack the personality that my other livebearers have.

And that's a tough loss for them, considering some of my most fun ones are ones people would find boring as all heck (Farlowella twig cats pretend to be sticks, enough said haha)

Now if I had to pick out of all fish even if I never owned it... African cichlids for me. Just not my cup of tea.
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piranhas such an ugly fish, skittish, and really don't do anything.
Beunos Aires tetras, bland colour, aggressive fin nipper.

Most catfish that hide all day.

Eels and khuli loaches that you never see.

Bronze or black goldfish in a pond. You can't see them so why have them.

Any albino fish or bird for that matter. Seriously, we have colour vision, why would anyone want a white fish or bird with pink eyes? In addition to that, you can have 10 species of albino fish in the same tank and they all look the same.

Big and or aggressive cichlids because they kill each other and everything else in the tank. One killer fish in a tank, how exciting is that? Not.

I'm sure there's more but I'm starting to vent. :angry:
Black and White fish for both footballing and aesthetic reasons and Plecos.

Id prefer it if shoaling and schooling fish had the potential to look markedly different ala livebearers ie same species different colours.. Looking the same takes something away from their personalities and individualism. Thus increasing the boring factor.
On a similar note it’d be great to be able to keep one or two each type of fish you like for a bit of tank variety but the obvious (to most) numerous issues prevent that in caring keepers.
The OP needs to work on training their raphael. ;) My two Platydoras armatulus have learned to fire out of their hiding places at feeding time and charge around the tank like little black and white tanks, so I see them every day.

The clown pleco, on the other hand, forever hides behind logs. Now and then I'll see a vaguely pleco-shaped thing wriggling on a log but she never comes out or seems to do a whole lot.
Black and White fish for both footballing and aesthetic reasons and Plecos.

Id prefer it if shoaling and schooling fish had the potential to look markedly different ala livebearers ie same species different colours.. Looking the same takes something away from their personalities and individualism. Thus increasing the boring factor.
On a similar note it’d be great to be able to keep one or two each type of fish you like for a bit of tank variety but the obvious (to most) numerous issues prevent that in caring keepers.
Here's a black and white pleco lol
I’d say my pleco i see his poo more than him but yet maybe that’s what makes him special when he rises like a monster from the depth

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