Moss trying to grow

Benji k

Oct 13, 2022
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How do you guys get your moss to grow up the walls I have some moss and it’s been growing I’ve bean trying to move it into the light because it kinda stoped growing my and looks less healthy the subwasertang looks fine but the java moss doesn’t if shoved some into the gravel becaue I want it to grow up the


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Most people don't grow moss on the glass walls, they use a mesh to grow the moss on and fix that to the glass.
yeah glass is too smooth for them to grow on. my moss has grown onto rocks and other more coarse materials.
I've got an acrylic filter canister in one of the tanks and the moss is just growing on it by itself.
I have had Java Moss attach to glass when it was initially growing on a log leaning against the tank's side. It was not a new tank and over the years, probably had micro-scratches not visible to the eye. It took months and honestly, was not by design. A faster way that I deliberately used was to attach it near the top of a log that is protruding above the water's surface. In a covered tank with high humidity, it will grow emersed and somehow, find the pores. An even faster way is to create a paludarium with the moss being constantly misted by filtration. My Mudskipper paludariums had the stuff growing all over the place. It is opportunistic and will rapidly grow on the tank's side assuming there are pores or micro-scratches or something to provide 'traction.' I am not sure if it will attach to a new aquarium that has not been cleaned (scratched). The stuff is amazing; I have some growing out over the edge of my courtyard pond.
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