buggyboutbettas said:
My answer won't change but you seem pretty certain of it, so go for it
I'm not certain at all. I just knew that your answer didn't have any value to the debate because the blood doesn't transfer the larva.

) no offense....I say things that I don't really know much about too.
No need to be rude. I gave my opinion, I wouldn't do it. Didn't realize this was a'debate',it seemed as though you were just looking for opinions
Mosquito larva
is the primary source of food for the wild betta fish but that's miles away from civilization. Living in the middle of a city for example, is quite different.
hmmmm, I wonder why Hikari goes through all the trouble to triple sterilize their
farm raised larva if it's as bacteria/virus/parasite free as it's said to be, what a waste of effort on their part
IMO~ it's better to be safe than sorry