Been away from the tank for a week have made my mind up on a few more changes
I am moving on a couple of corals that are ok but I just want to treat my self to a bleeding apple Scolly and a couple of clam s in the future.
So to go are my Pink plating Frogspawn, Green Star Polyps and the big rock top left covered in Xenia
I will pick a few more bits of LR to fill in the gaps and raise the scaping in a few places
Addtional Hardware to be added
NAC7 Skimmer waiting on one of these to arrive but delayed due to dust cloud
I am changing my CA reactor to the bubble magus one if the price is right
I have noticed a few dead spots in my flow so I am going to add a Koralia or similar for now if this sorts the problem for now great but I will most prob add a MP10 at the back as the pulsing settings seem to work nicely
I also have room for 3 more Aquarays which i am tempted to add I do not need but I will have more than enough light to keep the most demanding clams most probably a Maxima and a Squasmosa
Picked a nice pastel Green acro this week will pop some piccies up later if I get chance also been gettig some DSLR lessons so hopefully i can improve my FTS`s