This rock has quartz veins running through it in all directions and there’s a faint reddish tint to it that shows oxidising,so there is a little iron going on.Like I said before,these quartz veins can harbour gold,but I’m not breaking it open to find out.
The tall rock at the back is by far my favourite bit.This is a very big and very heavy slice that has sheered off the mother lode.
To get an idea of its size those denison barbs are around 5 inch in length.
There’s not much greenery going on in there,but I think the bedrock should be there to see,not hidden behind plants.I have attached a few anubias and bolbitis which shouldn’t hide the rock.The only thing I’m unsure if us the placement of the rocks.Would the giant bit be better in the middle of the tank.What would you do?