More Rummies Or Some Neons

I have 6 rummy nose tetras in my 110 litre fish tank and I don't know wether to add 4 more rummy nose tetras to take the group up to 10 or get 6 neon tetras. I need your guys help I love the way my rummies are now as they don't school but they do follow each other around the tank and don't want to ruin that.

Thanks for your help from Tom
I like neons, they would also add some variety to the tank 
I'd go for rummynoses. The larger the school the better and you might start seeing schooling behaviour although 110 litres is a bit short to see that. It's easier to see them schooling when they have some distance to travel in the tank.
More Rummynoses, single species tank is nice to have, can see a bit more natural behaviour and more interesting that way IMO 
Seal36 said:
I have said in another post that the only reason that the kribensis are in the 40 litre tank is because when they were in the 110 litre they were killing all the other tank mates. Also the kribensis are breeding already and the female is 2 inches and the male is 3 inches. Also the tank has 3 different hiding spots all over the tank and is heavily planted and the reason that I want some smaller fish in the tank is so that the kribensis have something to take their anger out on.

The dimensions of 110 litre tank is
80cm long
34 cm deep
45cm high

In the tank with the rummies are
1 Pleco 0,0,1
1 apistogramma cacatuoide 1,0,0
3 White Cloud Mountain minnow 0,0,3
3 gold tetra 0,0,3
3 black neon tetra 0,0,3
6 five banded barbs 4,2,0
2 guppies 1,1,0
6 platys 2,4,0
25 total

The dimensions of the 40 litre half octagonal tank is
The rectangle bit in my tank is 46 cm long by 18cm deep and 32 cm high
The 2 triangle bits are 11cm long by 8 cm deep and 32 cm high
The small rectangle left is 31 cm long by 8cm deep and 32 cm high
I'd say that your tank is full... and I wouldn't add anything to the 40L.

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