Ok, so I now realize a 6 gallon tank is not an aquarium. It is a toy. And I looked at the 20 long, and it just doesn't look right.
29 Gallon tank. And I found a guy unloading new Eclipse 29 combos for $107 (see aquabid.com!) Can't resist!
What I plan to do is this:
1) Take a couple of gallons water from the 6G tank and put it in a little hex bowl, and put my platies and tetras in there.
2) Take the rest of the water and transfer to a bucket.
3) Move the substrate, plants and decorations to the new tank, adding the 25 lbs of pebbles required to give the big tank a substrate of its own.
4) Move the bio-wheel to the new tank (assuming it fits) and put the clean one from the new tank in the old one [you'll see why in a sec].
5) Add 23 gallons of Prime-treated fresh water at 77deg F (or as close as I can get to that) to the new tank.
6) Add the six gallons of water from the old tank, including the fishies.
The idea is to take everything from the old tank including water and put in the new one to get as much of the bacteria etc in there. Since Rose was advocating a 90% water change before, I figure 6/29 is just over 20% so I am still leaving that much old water in the new one. The fish may be freaked a bit, but then again they'll be happy that their universe just quintupled in size. So that should make up for stress (lots of assumptions here!).
Seriously, I'm planning to immediately add the fish because I will have all the water going in, plus all the decorations and live plants, and the bio-wheel (assuming it fits ... why wouldn't it? one eclipse hood to another.)
Am I correct that my tank will not have to cycle because I already have cycled water and bits going in?
OH ... as for the old tank, I'm gonna get one (yes, one...I now understand how this works!) goldfish and plop it in there, and my 2 1/2 yr old son will finally get his own fish, and I won't have to listen to, "Daddy, that was MY birthday present, not yours!" anymore!!!!) That's why the new bio-wheel goes in there.
Any tips on where I might be forgetting something will be mucho appreciated...
29 Gallon tank. And I found a guy unloading new Eclipse 29 combos for $107 (see aquabid.com!) Can't resist!
What I plan to do is this:
1) Take a couple of gallons water from the 6G tank and put it in a little hex bowl, and put my platies and tetras in there.
2) Take the rest of the water and transfer to a bucket.
3) Move the substrate, plants and decorations to the new tank, adding the 25 lbs of pebbles required to give the big tank a substrate of its own.
4) Move the bio-wheel to the new tank (assuming it fits) and put the clean one from the new tank in the old one [you'll see why in a sec].
5) Add 23 gallons of Prime-treated fresh water at 77deg F (or as close as I can get to that) to the new tank.
6) Add the six gallons of water from the old tank, including the fishies.
The idea is to take everything from the old tank including water and put in the new one to get as much of the bacteria etc in there. Since Rose was advocating a 90% water change before, I figure 6/29 is just over 20% so I am still leaving that much old water in the new one. The fish may be freaked a bit, but then again they'll be happy that their universe just quintupled in size. So that should make up for stress (lots of assumptions here!).
Seriously, I'm planning to immediately add the fish because I will have all the water going in, plus all the decorations and live plants, and the bio-wheel (assuming it fits ... why wouldn't it? one eclipse hood to another.)
Am I correct that my tank will not have to cycle because I already have cycled water and bits going in?
OH ... as for the old tank, I'm gonna get one (yes, one...I now understand how this works!) goldfish and plop it in there, and my 2 1/2 yr old son will finally get his own fish, and I won't have to listen to, "Daddy, that was MY birthday present, not yours!" anymore!!!!) That's why the new bio-wheel goes in there.
Any tips on where I might be forgetting something will be mucho appreciated...