More New Corys But I Don`t Know What They Are?


I don`t count sheep to get to sleep, I count fish
Jul 1, 2010
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I was at MA yesterday (again) and while there I saw some corys that appeared to be a bit battered around the dorsal fin and their tails seem to bend upwards....not sure if this is normal??
I felt so sorry for them so I picked the 3 that were the nicest dark grey 'velvet' kind of colouring, 2 of them look the same, the 3rd has a bit of green colouring on his side.
Can anyone confirm what species they are please?

Sorry but I double posted and this thread seemed to get shoved down the pile :blush:
Looks like Bronze Cories to me, but there is something that makes me unsure (head shape maybe?) :/ -_-
They appear to be young brochis splendens (emerald cory/catfish), a relation to the cory species :)
Thanks FJ :good: B-)

Just been reading up on them on planet catfish and am happy that I know what they are now. :D :D
They haven`t stopped zipping around the tank, from the moment I introduced them into the tank they haven`t stopped! :lol:

They`re lovely little characters :wub:
+1 for the Brochis Cory (should have know! :no: :X )
Anyway are these the ones you picked up for £1, Lisa? :fun:
+1 for the Brochis Cory (should have know! :no: :X )
Anyway are these the ones you picked up for £1, Lisa? :fun:

I didn`t have a clue what they were :blink:

Yes Carl, I got them for £1 each, I`m tempted to see if they have some more but think I`m really pushing the limit :blush:
I`ve taken loads of my plants out today and the corys have lots more space, they were zipping around the open space as I was taking the plants out......impatient little fellas :lol:
+1 for the Brochis Cory (should have know! :no: :X )
Anyway are these the ones you picked up for £1, Lisa? :fun:

I didn`t have a clue what they were :blink:

Yes Carl, I got them for £1 each, I`m tempted to see if they have some more but think I`m really pushing the limit :blush:
I`ve taken loads of my plants out today and the corys have lots more space, they were zipping around the open space as I was taking the plants out......impatient little fellas :lol:

£1?! :shout: :shout:
Im my LFS they sell Brochis cories for £8! :shout:
Go yourself a bargain :good:
So, um, what other fish have you got in the tank now, Lisa? :look: :lol:
Erm....well, apart from 24 corys now (well 20 at the mo as 4 are in quarantine tank) i have the Rainbowfish, danios, neons, rummys, harlequins, pair of gourami, 1 male ram, 1 pair of apistos, 2 ember tetra, 1 clown and 2 bn plecs.
Just as well I have a big tank with less plants in it now I guess :look: :)

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