More Kg Bettas Bettas!


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Jan 17, 2005
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Im getting some too :D

Mine aren't here yet as they have to be posted as i dont live close enough to pick them up :angry: lol But im stealing pics off the website cos they're so pretty and i have to share!!

Im getting a white HM plakat (with a female - BABIES soon :hyper: :D ) and a blue HM plakat :D


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they look great :drool:
just wish i could get fish like that from my lfs as i cant order online. :grr:
o well, il stick with getting a veil tail :p

hope all goes well with your new little friends. :D
i was so tempted by that white one
i'm glad he's going to someone to breed from!
that's why i didn't want to get him.

this is the guy i'm getting


his name will be Tank.
he won't be breeding unfortunately, i don't have the space
(but if anyone in the north london area who's an experienced breeder wants to borrow him to spawn, i'll think about it, while he's still young enough anyway)
I love that light rose pink tinted white one - just stunning :drool:
hope they settle in well once the arrive and don't freeze their little fins off in transit !
hope they settle in well once the arrive and don't freeze their little fins off in transit !

Yeah, thats what im worried about, though it does seem to be warming up down here :D And they always come very well packaged :lol:

And i actually originally liked the blue one better but the white one is definately growing on me more! :D Im going to spawn him asap and see what sort of fry i get, then think about spawning the blue one - i want masked babies!! :D
Nice choice :wub:

The white one actually has pink/gold colouring in him too, I was tempted by him :D

I like Tank too :wub:

b.c.f.c if you fancy a trip up to Wolverhampton you can nosey round my fishroom and see if there is anything there you like. I have some juvies that are ready to go right now mostly SD's but a couple HM and also a couple of red ct males

Keep your K.G.Bettas pics coming, I like to see what everyone chooses :hyper:
thx joby but no way i could get to wolverhampton by car at the moment :/ .thx for the offer anyway. :D
I want that white one he is so beautiful :drool: I need him :wub: Are you sure you want him?
I reckon the fry will turn out goergeos. :drool: Only 2 good HM plakats that I think will have good fry ( sorry I'm not a fan of plakats ) but these one's are just awesome.
can someone post the web address for kg bettas?? ive been on before but cant find the address now!
those bettas are gorgeous! ive never seen a pure white one before! very jealous!!!
im hoping to get a crowntail at some point as i think they're stunning!

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