More Gibbo Pics

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Awsome pics and fish Gibbo.

You got the Apistos breeding ? Will someday make extra room for a few types again. Got 3 now cacatuoides , hongsloi, nijsseni which aside of the cacatuoides are my favorite.
These were a lucky snag, a few years ago I was at a LPS and one of the jobbers / importers brought in a shipment of wild cought stuff. Kinda a sales pitch type deal. There was a bag with rougfhly 30 Apistos labeled mixed. All were F0 fish so they cought my eye. There was a BIG mess in that bag at first glance. Anyways I asked the owner to buy the whole bag and I would take it. He did and for a small chunk of change they were mine $50 I offered and got the whole bag.
There must have been 6-8 diff species but as I was told in order for certain once to be imported they had to be labeled and shipped as another. ??? Beat the hell out of my, sounded like a bunch of terds I thought.
In the bag I was ablke to definately ID 5 types of Apistos 4 of which I was able to match with proper mates. There was a ton I may have been able to keep but wasn't 100% sure of mates and did not want a bunch of mud babbies so all but 6 pair I sold to a few stores and not only got my investment but alittle extra to get a few Victorians. Looking back now I should have been more patient and gave them some time before getting rid of them. There was some REALLY nice fish in there. Some that now I know what a few were.
Too late... Still I am happy with the ones I kept. Even though within 5 days a good # died. Alot were chewed beyond recognition. Several boddies, many in really bad shape. about 30 were alive not to mention the dead / dieing ones. Originaly I kept all of the ones mentioned but through out the following weeks a few more died. Glad I saved the ones I did and the ones I sold off were healthy and spunky when they left. I felt I did my dead.
That was a steal I know the store owner new it was also. Actually this was the same guy I left the box FULL of convicts at his store before he opened. LOLOLOLOL

Danny - the lost soul--- said:
awwwwww Apistos... That is one NICE male. Nice group of fins I must say Gibbo. How big is the spiny eel? Mine always seem to find a way out of the tank so I have decided to give up on killing them. But yet, maybe I can set up another tank just for eels.. O, O, better stop on the thought. Or I will be at it and have 103. No more tanks Danny. No more Tanks.... Till next week at least. LOLOLOL... Gotta love not having to worry about the wifes approval.
All hale the fish...........

Had to remind CM I didn't forget he wants some of these.
That's a LOWWWWW blow Danny,

Posting that pic. I will have some I tell ya, I will.

Maybe a trip to Florida, then a late night scavenger hunt to Mr. Mendozas shop :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek: :eek: :p :p

I MUST have those, ya hear meeee!!!!

And at any cost ( I'll even use the $$$ I set aside for some hornyflowers ;) ;) :p )

Sorry Gibbo,
Forgot why I started to post here. GREAT looking fish!! Love the Apollo.

Get this, I was in my local petsmart yesterday getting parrot food (ya I also have a parrot and 4 dogs) anyway I decided to check out their fish.

To my amazement the fish were looking really good. No dead or dying ones.

Well I am waliking along the rows and then I spot what I need to go into the 120 gallon with the 2 dozen clown loaches......

5" Bala sharks and only 9.99 ea. Man if I had a spare tank to quarantine those buggers with I would have bought them all.

Fins were in great shape, great color, the black was so dark and not faded. Nicest balas I have seen in awhile.

Oh well I digress, Great pics Gibbo!!!

Blame my rambling on Danny. It's rubbing off, just like at the last board :p :p :p ;) ;) :D :rolleyes:

Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

okay boys if you can't play nice together without teasing each other than you are going to your fishrooms without any new fish! j/k

very nice looking fish gibbo. i'm jealous of your picture taking abilities! never get that great of pics from mine!

I did my degree in Photography and Time Based Media, landscape is my real thing, just havn't done any for a loooong time now ('cause of the fish)! :)
you should create a readonly post giving tips on photographing the fish to help those of us who can't. would be helpful and informative.

I'll do that Maggie sometime soon, promise... busy trying to get business up and running etc but after that, definately :thumbs: :)

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