More Fish For My Tank?

hi cezza.. i love that rooted wood, looks very natural and just 'right'..

Anyway, thought i'd throw my two pennys worth regarding your stocking. I noticed you were looking for fish who would love your plants and wood, what about Cherry Barb, something like 3F 1M ? I have 5F and 3M and they love being in amongst my wood (to the right in my signature pic), darting in and out of my plants at the back are a favourite of their also. I personally believe they would LOVE the combined lay-out of your roots and plants :good:

Thanks for the kind words about my tank everyone :)

I'm currently considering either a single male dwarf gourami (my research leads me to believe this is okay) and upping my cardinal numbers, or a pair or trio of gouramis, depending on what my LFS has to offer. Planning to go have a look on Monday though not necessarily to buy, so things might change then but I'll keep you guys posted.
Just thought y'all might like to know I went to the LFS today, and amongst other things I came back with a leopard cory to bring my numbers up to six and a single male dwarf gourami. :)
Pic for Tizer :p

Trio of honey gouramis?

You beat me to it! I have 3 Honey G's with 5 Threelined Corries, 4 Fancy Guppy males, 5 Glowlights, a very small female Bristlenose & a huge Mystery Snail. They reside in my 20 gallon with sand, Anubias & a small moss ball.
I was of the exact same opinion of Gouramis about a month ago, now i find them very interesting fish, its nice having fish that don't wet their pants when you walk up to the tank.

He, he, wet their pants :rofl:
Mine are wearing skirts mostly.

The tank is lovely. Is there enough sand to hold the plants down so the corys can't dig them out maybe?
Get yourself a few female guppies and soon the tank will be looking very lively :D

As you can see from the photo, my cories will dig all the way down to the glass if I let them, so don't think thicker sand is going to help. I prefer to weigh my plants down anyway. I've had a few more delicate plants which my cories have dug up in the past. I've come back to my tank to find what's not been garbled up by the filter floating around the tank. I'd be mad at them but they're just so adorable.

The more I think about gouramis, the more I'm warming to the idea, but gonna take a look around my LFS first and see what they've got going. I do need some fish which, as Tizer said, aren't gonna wet their pants when I get too close!

My Honey G's are excited to see me every night because they know I'm going to feed them! One does hide a bit sometimes but mostly they're out & about swimming around with the Guppies.

Pic for Tizer :p


He's a beauty! Good luck with him......... :good:
I am going to get one at the weekend, it's decided! Such a beautiful fish!
A trio of Honeys would be more interesting imo ;) He looks like a nice buy though!
I found the dwarf gouramis more interesting. Gonna keep him on his own for now. When my guppies go, be that months or years down the line, I might consider buying some females for him but I think my tank is going to be too busy if I do that now.
I found the dwarf gouramis more interesting. Gonna keep him on his own for now. When my guppies go, be that months or years down the line, I might consider buying some females for him but I think my tank is going to be too busy if I do that now.

Very good idea, I can't wait until my group of guppy boys are gone and I can replace them. They're all bullies and as a result their tails which were once beautiful are practically shredded and they don't just bully each other but the platies too! I wouldn't get rid of them but I certainly won't be getting any more, although I do have seven fry which are waiting to be sexed!

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