More Cory Eggs


New Member
Nov 6, 2005
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UK, South East
.. but I did not want to hijack the former thread.

As I'm very new to keeping fish, I'm naturally quite excited, somewhat confused and a wee bit sad.

Yesterday when I came home, I fed the gang and then sat down to relax with a cup of coffee to watch my darlings for a while. Nothing stuck to the glass at that point.

Came down one hour later and found 2 clusters of white blobs attached to the glass (one just under the filter outlet) which I identified as Cory eggs after vaccuuming the Internet for information. Seems like my two Cories have been busy! Didn't think they would after staying with us for such a short time as they have (will add 2 more soon btw).

The sad part is that I have no way of taking care of the poor Cory babies as I have no spare tank nor have any ambitions to breed fish. Though, my maternal instincts sure came alive! I feel like such a bad mom :-( but all I can do is to get used to it as fish will usually try to breed and let nature sort itself out. I'm guessing the small ones don't stand a chance to survive.

I realise that many fishowners encourage their fish to breed and see to taking care of the offspring as best as they can and my stupid question is; what do you do with the fry once they've grown? Give to friends? Sell to fish stores?
congrats on the eggs, it does depend on what other fish are in the tank as to wether they will survive. i have had to put my albinos back into the main tank to control the breeding as i'm already reising around 50 cory fry :blink: as much as i love them i've not the space to raise them all, all the time. think with the fry i've got i will see how many survive as to what i will do with them, if to many i will probally take them to lfs
If your cories are healthy, and looks like they are, then they will probably spawn again very soon (maybe 2-3 weeks). My bronze cories have spawned 2 times that I know of and they still are not fully matured yet. So dont worry if something happens to this batch of eggs because they will do it again later on :thumbs:
I realise that many fishowners encourage their fish to breed and see to taking care of the offspring as best as they can and my stupid question is; what do you do with the fry once they've grown? Give to friends? Sell to fish stores?

Hi Vitae :)

That's a good question. :thumbs:

I've raised mostly bronze and albino C. aeneus and have an arrangement with my lfs. There is no cash involved but I trade them for fish supplies which helps support what can get to be an expensive hobby. He is very happy to get them because my fish are disease free and having been raised in local water, they adjust easily to his, and later his customer's tanks. Also, I feed them on high quality food so they are strong and healthy.

Because of this, the store has no loss of life, or profit, which is not the case when he buys fish from a fish farm and has to ship them across the country or even from a different country.

It's a good deal for me, for the lfs, for the eventual owners and even for the fish. :D
Well, I sell my babies to the LFS. I haven't bred my cories yet, but when I do, I'll be selling them, cuz right now I'm selling platys and guppys to them, at $1 per guppy and .75c a platy which seems to me a really great price.

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