More Bettas For Fuman C!


Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
Hey, I got two new boys from Walmart yesterday!! And they are BEAUTIFUL!!!! :wub: So, I'm going to post pictures for you guys to see. :D And so the others don't get jealous, I'm posting one picture each of them too. :) :fun: And just cuz I want to show them off... :hey:

This is Nair (which is a nickname for Nereus which means God of the sea, I think...). I got him for his color, and also the fact that he was the only boy there that was swimming crazy in his little cup. I LOVE hyper bettas. :hyper:
In this first picture, the bubbles are on the side of the tank, not on him...the one that looks like it is on his eye makes it look kinda bad...but I promise it was on the tank.


And I thought this picture of him was cool looking. I didn't alter the picture at all. It is his reflection that is all over the place. :)

This is Halo. I named him that cuz he looks like an angel. I think he might be albino (except his eyes aren't pink)...what do you think? He was REALLY hard to get pictures of because of how light in color he is. He is really mellow too. I haven't even seen him flare once since I got him, and he can see Raz cuz they are right next to each other. He just doesn't seem to care.


And these are the older boys. :D


Waffle (I have him in a clear thing now so you can see what he really looks like. :D And he has gotten really fisty since I put him in the clear thing. He flares and swims around alot more, even though the clear thing is a gallon less water, and both are shallow and long containers.) :

Raz (I don't have any new pictures of him, cuz he wasn't holding still) :

:fun: Well, those are my boys! :D I hope you like them, and if anyone knows if Halo is albino, please let me know. :) :wub: I love them!!
I love Halo he looks like my old ghost. only had him for the shortest time, and then I found a girl who looked just like him and she didnt last. lovely fishes :drool:
I think Halo might be a Pastel or a Translucent? Not sure on that though, so *pokes everyone with more experience.* Very nice pictures. ^_^
:D Thanks for the complements! :D

And I was told...uh...somewhere else, that Halo is albino, just not TRUE albino (there was a link to an artical about true albino, albino, and something else...). So, yeah, he is albino. :)
Beautiful bettas! :D Albinos have red eyes and are extreeeemely rare, if you found one at WalMart it'd be nothing short of a miracle. ;) I think he's a cellophane.
hey. i'd say halo is not albino. He clearly does have chromatophores because his eyes are dark. Typically, albinos have mutated colour genes and hence cannot produce any pigment. I think it's much more likely that your fish just had any colour genes bred out of him. Either way, a nice white fish is still very nice but calling him albino would be deceiving :) (for instance if you were trying to sell him/etc).

^_^ Yes, but regarding the artical, I don't think Oscars COME in a Cellophane coloration, thus, anything like a Cellophane would be a 'fake albino'... The Betta's have actual names for these colors, and so... yeah, I'd call him a Cellophane. ^_^
:drool: ? your Halo. Does he have a pale lilac tinge to his fins that you can only see in certain lights? My Ghost did..he was so pretty :sad: might have a piccie.
he sure was pretty...sorry pinching your thread, so only putting small piccie in! :shout: edited for spelling!
Yep, Halo is cellophane for sure :nod:
I used to have a fish that looked exactly like him... poor ol' Loki :/

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