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Jan 3, 2010
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Pets at home again
i had a fish dies this morning so i took it back with a water sample as you (tested before i left 0amonia 0 nitrite 5 nitrate with a 2month old api master kit!)

apartently her test said 0 ammonia .25 nitrite and 5nitrate

then she said nitrite too high (ok)
then my nitrate is too high for the fish (5ppm ? oh realy my tap water is 10pmm and fish can survive up to 400ppm)
then i said so do i get a replacement she said ye what was its gurami (it was a dwarf neon rainbow)
im not aloud the fish untill my water has no nitrite on there test she advised to go do 20% change then come back after a few days (becuase the change wont take effect for a few days???? :blink: ) got home did the change anyways and will go back in a few days to get my fish then i will question them once i have the fish

i think they have bad bunch of fish and are waiting on a new order tbh and dont want me to buy on that will die soon
lol oh dear...give her this websites address, tell her to go look at the "fishless and fish-in cycle" and then be on your way, dont worry not all the staff are like that....
lol oh dear...give her this websites address, tell her to go look at the "fishless and fish-in cycle" and then be on your way, dont worry not all the staff are like that....
when a fish dies you have to talk to the manager who noes the most about them and this is her lol
thats a good idea lol also i would like to say they never mention cycles to anyone its set your tank up for a week before adding fish thats it then when you come back with a dead fish when you no nothing about a cycle they wont give you one retards lol lucky i did my research aye
well why buy fish from there if you know they are crap?
the pets at home nearest me is ridiculous, they talk out of their back sides!
they will question you when buying platies, and then sell you a common plec, i think they should all be reviewed and only the ones with employee's with correct knowledge should be able to stock and supply fish.
well why buy fish from there if you know they are crap?
the pets at home nearest me is ridiculous, they talk out of their back sides!
they will question you when buying platies, and then sell you a common plec, i think they should all be reviewed and only the ones with employee's with correct knowledge should be able to stock and supply fish.
i had £5 free fish voucher and got 2 neon rainbows then found out they have to be in school the local aquatics shops didnt no what they were so had to go bk there wont be buying any more fish there tbh
i want to know what test kit she used aparently the nitrite went purple and on my api kit the .25 is purple but mine was clearly blue
yeah i see what you mean, in ll fairness i have been to a couple of pets at home that was good but thats about it. i know for some people its their only option as there is no where else near, but if you suspect they are giving wrong advice then just stop going there, and if you acquire any more vouchers, buy some fish food lol
if your lfs doesnt know what they are thats a bit bad, they are called praecox rainbows see if he knows that name.
yeah i see what you mean, in ll fairness i have been to a couple of pets at home that was good but thats about it. i know for some people its their only option as there is no where else near, but if you suspect they are giving wrong advice then just stop going there, and if you acquire any more vouchers, buy some fish food lol
if your lfs doesnt know what they are thats a bit bad, they are called praecox rainbows see if he knows that name.
the vouchers were for fish only mate lol
the one by my mums house is ok its brand new and the woman is getting on abit so actually care about her job and customers but still not the best advise realy as their training is poor

i need a job maybe i should apply there :p i think they may loose a few sales when i tell the truth to people
She should have done the test in front of you or at least shown you the results, rather than just telling you. That's really bad form.

You're hitting your head against a brick wall if you try to tell them about cycling and things they're not trained to deal with. They will advise a fish-in cycle but won't really give you the tools to do it in a totally risk-free way. They are trying to make it easy for newbies and also make sure they get sales. That's retail for you.

Make sure you know what you want when you go in and make sure you've done your research (which it sounds like you have) and then try to keep things simple for them. If you start talking about cycling and odd species of fish, half the time they won't know and will assume you don't know what you are talking about, or else they'll give you the advice they are trained to give even though it might not help you. As I said, they try to keep it simple for staff and customers.

There are good branches out there and there are some very knowledgeable people working for them. It's just a matter of finding them.

Next time, insist they do the test in front of you and insist they let you see the results after they've let them develop for the full 5 minutes. And make sure they shake that nitrate test! It totally changes the result.

5ppm of nitrates is FINE, but some people are stuck in the way of thinking that nitrates are almost as bad as ammonia and nitrites and should be kept really low.
Most aquatic stores use the Nutrifin master test kit when testing and IMO if she did the test correctly then the results would have been fairly accurate, if the nitrite showed some pink and you saw this then the water she tested had nitrite present

And to be fair I would have done exactly the same if i had done a water test and the results showed .25 Nitrite,
She has said you can get a replacement once your water has seen to improve, so just do a waterchange and go back tomorrow,
it seems to me all the p at h are missing a lucrative trick.
they should sell fully cycled noodles and sponge and 50ltrs of cycled water.
id pay good money for a cycled filter
Most aquatic stores use the Nutrifin master test kit when testing and IMO if she did the test correctly then the results would have been fairly accurate, if the nitrite showed some pink and you saw this then the water she tested had nitrite present

And to be fair I would have done exactly the same if i had done a water test and the results showed .25 Nitrite,
She has said you can get a replacement once your water has seen to improve, so just do a waterchange and go back tomorrow,
fair enough but i did a test before i went to the store and when i got back and its was very blue i still havent empty'd it and can get up a pic

think i will ask to see the test next time and take my own nitrate test equipment with me just incase they get different results

also why say i can have another fish if i killed it with high nitrite lol
i might just take a bag of tap water in see if she finds any in that haha
went back in today took my test kit with me incase they got different results again
she said thats the kit they use (she cant count 5 drops then) anyway she took it off for testing but she said some guy would be doing it as he was already doing somones

few mins later shes back your water is fine now, got no results sheet like last time so got my fish and left
got backa nd was looking over the last test sheet and what each level means most of it is ridiculous

0pp....... safe test monthly
0.25-2ppm....... unsafe 20% water change test weekly
5ppm .... deadly change 30% then 15% 2 days later test daily

0pp....... safe test monthly
0.25-2ppm....... unsafe 20% water change test weekly
5ppm .... deadly change 30% then 15% 2 days later test daily

nitrate test monthly
5-20ppm.... unsafe test weekly
40-160ppm... undesirable change 20&

7.... neutral
7.5...alkaline ideal for live bearers & goldfish
8.2... ideal for african chchlids

on my fist test they said i had a ph of 7 i have been getting results of around 8 daily for the last week

how can you screw up a api test lol

They don't like people doing "too many" water changes, lol.

She still has no excuse not to test in front of you or at least bring the tubes out to show you.

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