Moonlight In Distress


New Member
Jun 6, 2009
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Hi Guys - I've skimmed through various other treads and have learnt a huge amount, but haven't managed to find anything to help me with my ailing Moonlight Gourami. Hoping someone can offer some advice...

Tank size: 96l
pH: 7.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10
kH: ?
gH: ?
tank temp: 19 celsuis - water change 5hrs ago

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

The Moonlight I've had for about 3-4 years is repeatedly smashing itself against the roof of the aquarium. We've caught it doing this a couple of times a day for the past few weeks. It calms down after a dose of melafix and turning off the aquarium light, but is eating with less relish and hiding itself away more than usual. (Although typically, swimming around normally at the moment)!

It is the only moonlight in the tank after its friend died over a year ago. It has a small (just larger than a pin head) red spot on its body behind the gills, towards its belly and possibly one slightly puffy gill on the other side - and a bald patch on it's head!! One eye is clouded over, but has been for some months.

I have been treating with melafix 10ml daily for 2 weeks now with no obvious improvement or deterioration.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
weekly, 25%

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
nutrafin cycle 20ml weekly

Tank inhabitants:
x1 8yr old sail fin,
x2 6yr old corys
x2 1yr old corys
x1 panda catfish
x2 upside down catfish
x4 neon tetras

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

none - although I was considering getting another couple of gourami, another half dozen neons and a three or four guppies - all on hold while I try and get my moonlight straight!

Exposure to chemicals:

none that I'm aware of, athough I did discover the body of one of my corys trapped behind a piece of bogwood which might have been there for a week or so as they're hard to count, it was 6 years old though :-( All others are acting pretty normal, rest of fish seem themselves. A bit of a crop of red algae has developed on the bogwood - think due to spring and a bit of a clogged filter pump. Pump now fixed and bogwood scrubbed (not all of algae removed, but you don't need to, right?)

Just not sure if my Gourami is simply declining due to old age setting in, if it's madness due to lonliness (have been meaning to get a few more Gourami for a few months now) or a treatable disease. Don't like to keep pumping in the melafix, but it does seem to have a calming affect (although the sail fin goes crazy for a few seconds when its added!) He's a nice old fella, and I don't like to see him suffering.

Anyone had any experience like this? Could anyone advise me whether to keep on with the mellafix or anything else I can do? And when can I buy a few more fish for my barren tank - bit bottom heavy at the mo!
Your temps to low are you using a heater in the tank.

Signs of flukes are.
Red inflamed gills, or pale gills with excess slime.
Bleeding gills.
Excess slime.
Flicking and rubbing.
Darting, or erratic swimming.
Weightloss sometimes.
Gasping at suface of tank or laboured breathing.
Sores on the body of the fish.
Spitting food out.
Swimming in a jerky movement.

It sounding like flukes to a bacterial infection.
Thanks Wilder - great to have some help! :rolleyes:

You're dead right about the temperature - I did think about it myself yesterday when completing the consultation form - I changed fuse in plug today and the temperature is now a more respectable 23! :blush:

Have searched the forum for flukes as it does sound like the right set of symptoms and it looks like I need one of:
Aquarium Care Fin Rot
Aquarium Doctor WSP

Unless anyone has any further advice I guess I'll get hold of some of the above asap and follow the instructions on the bottle! Fingers crossed the little guy will pull through.
It could be also a bactrial infection.

Any signs of flicking and rubbing, or laboured breathing.

The list of symtoms I left can you say which of the symtoms your fish are showing.
It's probably having the light turned off that calms him down, rather than the Melafix. I can't think of any reason why the Melafix would calm a fish down, so if that's all you're using it for it might be better to stop, particularly as it doesn't seem to be helping much.

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