Moonlight effects using LEDs


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2005
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I just add the moonlight effect to my aquarium. It is simple to do with just 4 LEDs and 12V transformer. I bought the blue LED's from Walmart that are ready to use without soldering any resistors. I used electrial tape to secure them under the canopy. Here are the results:






What knid of LEDs. I have 4' foot section of blue light tubing but that isn't LED based. I live in Canada so I'm not usre if they sell them in Canadian Wal-marts (they carry different product ranges in different countries)

Would you give some details on what I should look for - i.e brand, model, price I should expect.......

Wal mart sells LED's!?!?!?! Are you from the US?
12 volts is a lot for an LED, they must be for a computer.
Can you post a pic of them?


very nice nikky are they weird in parellel or in series?

They would most likely be in series.... so they have the same current running through them.
they probably are from a computer because they are much brighter then standard l.e.ds and look more like the ones used for modding p.c cases
i think it looks gd with that amount in kinda makes it look spooky and mystical lol :D but still has dark places for fish to sleep
They sell LED's at Radio Shack but cmmon, something like 3.99 for 2 of them!!!
There is an electronics depot type thing where I'm from that sells them for $0.80 a piece :thumbs:
Have any of you guys come accross those fiber optic aquarium decor???
They are pretty neat.... but really expensive!

Edit: I'm off topic but what the hey :D
are you tlking about the ones were the light is on the out side but the ornament lites up inside the tank via fiber optics?
Idolz said:
Wal mart sells LED's!?!?!?! Are you from the US?
12 volts is a lot for an LED, they must be for a computer.
Can you post a pic of them?


  very nice nikky are they weird in parellel or in series?

They would most likely be in series.... so they have the same current running through them.
actually - if they were in series you'd get a current drop across each of them and the last one would be dimmest.

The LED's wont be running at 12v... there will be a resistor dropping the voltage/current for each.
makes me soo envious, i want i want i want, so u just like drill holes in the hood, and then fasten them together with the wires, im super confused on how to do it
i would REALLY like to do it on my 55g tho

I actually living in Canada so my LEDs are from the canadian Walmart. It is called Hyper LED by Alpena. Resistors are already connected and there is no need to do any of your own soldering. It cost $9.99 for a pack of 4. Each LED have a 1 m hook up wire. The potential drop across the LED should be 12 V as said in the package. I wired them in parallel to a variable DC power supply. When I took the picture, I was running them at 12 V. It was bright like the Blue Cathode tube at all. I found that the fish are very calm. Using the variable DC power supply, I can lower the voltage to as low as 3V before the LEDs stop giving out light. However, between 3 and 12 V I can adjust to the right lighting level as desire.

I could have bought the LEDs and resistors from an electronic stores but I don't save any money at all. In fact, these LED's I bought from Walmart have been soldered with those "surace-mount" type resistors and this make the LEDs very small. I did use some silicone to seal certain area from moisture.

If you have more question, just ask.

Here is the picture of the LED package: (ps. from the automotive section of walmart)


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