Montipora Polyps

They do, but their polyps don't extend more than 1mm so break out your magnifying glass :lol:
Same genus, different species but a great article nonetheless!
All LPS and SPS have polyps, hence the middle letter in the abbreviation. SH
But an LPS is more-less a polyp itself. An SPS has many small polyps.
Actually, the polyp is the individual animal. The S or L for xPS has no taxonomical basis, and there are some species which sit across the barrier; some say they are LPS, others SPS.

To show the difference in size of polyp extension for the OP I have put below pics of my Acropora sp polyps and Montipora sp polyps:


LPS and SPS are non-scientific definitions. Some LPS are technically closer in relation to some SPS than SPS to other SPS. Know what I mean? There are plenty of LPS that are not solitary polyps.
i look very closely at my monti, then squirt some water at it, and it gets smaller (by very very very little), but you can see some retraction. You can always find montis with different colored polyps than the base (is that the right word?).
I flipped my monti over this afternoon and noticed a spongy kind of growth under it. Its def not a sponge. Is this the growth of the coral or the death.

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