Monster Fishkeepers Vs Monster Energy Drink

Do these Facebook petitions actually work? I've always been dubious in the past.
Shelster said:
Do these Facebook petitions actually work? I've always been dubious in the past.
If you're the sort of company that likes to bully smaller ones just for the hell of it, you probably wouldn't be the sort of company that takes any notice whatsoever of Facebook petitions.
No sensible person will ever get confused between a small can of tasteless water with copious quantities of sugar, caffeine and carbon dioxide, and a large tank full of large fish.
phoenixgsd said:
so they dont like anything with monster in its title? what about monster munch (mmmmm yummy) thats been around since before enery drinks with possibly the exception of lucozade .......confused
Monster Monster! Eric Hall will be sued next!
I might go and make a post on their Facebook page, asking them why they are suing Monster Fishkeeping, and see how long it takes them to delete it!
the_lock_man said:
I might go and make a post on their Facebook page, asking them why they are suing Monster Fishkeeping, and see how long it takes them to delete it!
I've signed the petition and am protesting monster drinks. support.

the_lock_man said:
Do these Facebook petitions actually work? I've always been dubious in the past.
If you're the sort of company that likes to bully smaller ones just for the hell of it, you probably wouldn't be the sort of company that takes any notice whatsoever of Facebook petitions.
No sensible person will ever get confused between a small can of tasteless water with copious quantities of sugar, caffeine and carbon dioxide, and a large tank full of large fish.
I would feel if enough people protested them, than they would have to noticed. Whether they do anything about it is a separate thing.
A protest will only work if in fact those that are protesting are Monster drinkers.  If not... their customer base sees no hit.  We have not managed to convince my daughters of complete boycott... but they have cut down.  Keeping fingers crossed for that much further!  :)
cpwebsite said:
I've signed the petition and am protesting monster drinks. support.


Do these Facebook petitions actually work? I've always been dubious in the past.
If you're the sort of company that likes to bully smaller ones just for the hell of it, you probably wouldn't be the sort of company that takes any notice whatsoever of Facebook petitions.
No sensible person will ever get confused between a small can of tasteless water with copious quantities of sugar, caffeine and carbon dioxide, and a large tank full of large fish.
I would feel if enough people protested them, than they would have to noticed. Whether they do anything about it is a separate thing.

I kinda assumed that "take notice" and "do anything" were synonymous.
Most importantly, the Monster drink company has to realize that they didn't invent the word "monster".  If they had gone with a different spelling, they could try to trademark it, but using the exact same spelling - there really is no case for them to be able to push out others using that word.
Now, if they had spelled it: Monnster or Monstar or something else like that, and another group used the same incorrect spelling they might have a leg to stand on.  Personally, I don't drink the stuff, never have and never will.  With that said, do they have a parent company?
Yes, but keep in mind the World Wildlife Fund successfully sued the World Wrestling Federation for using WWF. There is no way someone could confuse a large man in tights fighting in a right for a panda eating bamboo...but they won...
Big difference though.  One was a Non-profit (World Wildlife Fund) fighting a corporation (World Wrestling Federation) for the rights to an acronym - and which could market themselves by just those initials.  There can only be one "WWF".  The notion that the Monster Energy Drink Co. could monopolize the word "monster" is just ludicrous - but I supposed crazier things have happened, and since they have more money available to waste on this nonsense, they may actually win.  But, the organizations they are suing aren't just using "Monster" in their name, nor are they using it as a noun, but instead they are using it as an adjective - big difference - at least to anyone with a non-biased brain.   Not sure how the courts will rule though, which tells you all you need to know about the court system, unfortunately.  More than likely, the small organizations will just concede in an effort to remain solvent.
I guess that was my point...those with a non-biased brain knew which WWF was which based on context and of course the totally different logos. For me the thing to do would have been to allow both WWF's to exist and trust people to know the difference since what each did was so TOTALLY different than the other.
I think the same of Monster Fishkeepers vs Monster Energy Drinks...and most likely Monster Fishkeepers always uses Fishkeepers as part of the name.
I think this rediculous too to sue a fishing forum over the use of a word!
BUT just to play devils advocate say you have a large company and you want people to be able to find you quickly using a search engine. It would be easier for people to find monster energy drinks if they were the only company with that name.
Just like with WWF. A search engine won't see the difference in the texted that person is typing into google. Type WWF and World Wildlife Fund may not be the first thing that comes up if there is some other organization with that acronym.
But again, its rediculous to sue a forum over something like that.

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