Fish Fanatic
thats a nice package to get!
You better get this right M, or llj will be after you!
I know! The pressure is on! I've been swapping a bunch of SW stuff with her, so we're basically policing each other's new tanks
thats a nice package to get!
You better get this right M, or llj will be after you!
Chladophora aegagropila
So one of the biggest issues I'm having is that I'm RAPIDLY running out of room. This is a cube tank... It's 12"x12"x12". Factor in the false wall holding the heater/filter media/return pump and you're looking at only 9" front to back, 12" wide and 12" tall. Add that sweet piece of driftwood (it stays. Period.) and we're looking at even less real estate. I feel like I'm going to have some serious issues making the rows of plants that give all these great Dutch scapes such depth. I'm thinking this is going to turn into a Jungle/Dutch hybrid. That's not a bad thing, is it?
OK so let's narrow this down a bit. (PS: This notes on notes thing is fun hahahahaha)
Out of curiosity, which of these need to be attached to the wood? Any of them? Also, I noticed there is a little runner growing from a hole in the wood... Any chance you know what it is? And do you think it's still alive?
I'd be very suprised if anything was alive in that wood. It's been dry since December. Do you want portions of Pelia and moss? I can spare some for you.
Sooooo..... I got paid today! Which means plants will be coming ASAP! My birthday is next Thursday and I hope to have this up and running by then as a little birthday gift to myself
Maybe a stupid question (checked the PARC and didn't see anything on it), but do I need to acclimate plants like I do coral? I feel like I don't...
Sooooo..... I got paid today! Which means plants will be coming ASAP! My birthday is next Thursday and I hope to have this up and running by then as a little birthday gift to myself
Maybe a stupid question (checked the PARC and didn't see anything on it), but do I need to acclimate plants like I do coral? I feel like I don't...
Oh, that's just the best question ever! I'm sorry, not a stupid question at all, but very entertaining. I can just see them being drip-acclimated. I will, however, often put them in a bucket of dechlorinated tapwater for a spell. I like to inspect the plants for snails and remove any dead leaves or rotten roots.