Monkeys Madness


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2005
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As most of you know Monkey The cat is on heat.

Refer to previuos post"my cat is acting strange" before talking about unwanted kittens or anything like that please :D

Anyway she really seems to be having a bad time.She is constantly rolling around meoiwing and offering herself to the dog(Lucy) who is somewhat bemused by this

She isint weeing everywhere thank goodness

My question is there anything I can do to help her and how long is this likely to go on.

FYI. she is called Monkey because we didn't want Lucy to know she was a cat.Think she might have given the game away now though

Sam x
hi sam
i have read the previous thread, so wont go in to that. -_-

all i can say is that when my own cats had their first heat they were a pain to live with and were constantly calling through the night too. there is nothing i dont think that will help and its all down to natural behaviour. if you do breed at a later date then im afraid its going to be like this every 6 months or so, and if you decide not to breed then she will need spayed after the heat is over. good luck with her and earplugs may be needed :)
Ooooh boy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, so why don't we just start with numbers.
- Felines are seasonally polyestrus, which means they go into heat with increasing sunlight, or, the spring and possibly into the summer.
- Strictly outdoor cats will be in estrus primarily in the spring.
- An indoor cat living in an environment where lighting is on for a good 10+ hours a day can cycle all year (eep).
- Heat lasts about 6-10 days, but if the cat is not bred, it will go right back into heat within 2-8 days of the previous heat.

That said, there really isn't anything you can do to ease the behavior of a cat in heat. They aren't in pain even though they act like it; the rolling and vocalizing and presenting are all to attract a tom. Really, the only thing you can do to end her heat is breed her, which as we saw in the other post she is too young for (cats should be 12-18 months old min. before being bred), or spay her. That aside, buy some ear plugs. :lol:

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