Molting All At Once.


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi all, I have a pretty small clean up crew for now in my tank. It consists of only 4 hermits, 2 dancing shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. It seems over the last 2 days everything has molted at the same time. Would I be advised to take out the skin or leave them in as food.

I am still not actually sure whether it is my actual cleaner shrimp or just his skin, it looked very light when my hermit was eating it tho. Do the eyes always come off during a molt?
Yes, eyes come off in a molt, as do pretty much every other part of the crustacean. Just leave the molts in there. They make good food :good:
Thx ski, I feel like i should be paying you a consultancy fee :D
Hah, dont worry about it guys, I'm just glad I could help. Besides, I only take payment in beer and frags :D 8) :lol:
A syncronized molt like that usually means that something in your tank has changed drastically. The change stressed our the inhabitants enough to molt. On the other hand you may have just done a water change and your iodine levels were so low before the water change that nothing could molt, but with the water change you introduced enough iodine for everything to molt.

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