
What does everyone think of Molly's?
I like them alot, they are a very active fish always looking around and always hungry, they breed very easily so expect alot of fry if you mix sexes. :)
What does everyone think of Molly's?

I LOVE my mollies. Fun to watch and they come in so many colors. My favorite in the tank now is my dalmation ballon molly. She explores every part of the tank and when she's tired she just floats over the plants almost completely still. The black ones are always a nice addition color wise. When your fish all all yellows, silvers, reds, and golds, the black mollies make a nice contrast.

As for sickly, my first batch did not do well, but I had not properly cycled the tank. Now that it has been cycled, every addition as done very well. I just make sure to do three days of melafix(and remove my carbon filter) after each new member or group of members join my tank.
Just to add, i keep mine in brackish water and have no problems with illness at all, seems they fair better in brackish than freshwater.
I liked mine except for they picked on my dwarf gourami somthing terrible. They are supposed to be a good community fish, but that wasn't my experience.

What other fish do you have ?

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