mollys have white spots

Well is it cotton like? If so its probably fungi hence get some fungi remedy bump up the temp and feed the fish livefoods. If its just massive white spot coverage its probably white spot in which u should get some white spot remedy bump up the temp and feed livefoods. If there is a long shape white stick things hanging off there probably icks and u should get some ick removal bump up the temp and fedd live foods note this remedy doesn't get rid of it, it simply stops it from reproducing on the fish and in the tank. ;)
Ooops I didn't mean ich I meant anchor worm in which case you will need copper-based proprietary remedy.
If it is a bunch of small white specks, it could be ick. The fish will get near the return of the filter and hang out. You can get ICK cure from Wal-mart, but you will need to hurry, ick is a killer if not treated fast enough.

Ick is sometimes caused from adding too many fish to an already stable environment. Ick is always in the tank, but if the fish are healthy and keep there slimy coats, the ick can't penatrate the skin. It doesn't seem to affect certain types of fish either. If the mollies have it, but plecos (algea eaters) and bottom feeders don't have it, it is probably ick.

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