
Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2003
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HELP! ok i had 1 molly that was preg so at night i put her in her breeding tank*plastic* and that night she didnt have the babys so i let her swim out of it! she was fine but then i came home and she was died! and my male was fine last night and in the morning he was died!
what are your water readings nitrites and ammonia and nitrates and ph? do you have any salt in with these mollies? how long has your tank been up and running ?
fish keeper sharks and mollies said:
what are your water readings nitrites and ammonia and nitrates and ph? do you have any salt in with these mollies? how long has your tank been up and running ?
i dont have readings becouse i dont have 1 of those testers! n o i have no salt with the mollys! and they were doing fine with out the salt! my tank they were in was running for a day then i put them in when i got them then they were fine with the ware and every thing! and i put anuther filter in the tank that i just washed! :) so now the water will move more!
* extreemly important is water testing kit * is it possible that you didn't treat the tap water to remove the chlorine?
bigfish said:
* extreemly important is water testing kit * is it possible that you didn't treat the tap water to remove the chlorine?
No its not posible becouse i put in the chlorine detox thing!
What I am trying to say is was the filter new or has it bin running in the tank.
Because if it has bin in the tank, it would have built up beneficial bacteria,
and when you wash it under the tap you would have killed most if not all the beneficial bacteria.

Have you read about cycling

But like what bigfish said you nead a test kit
ok here is another question have you just bought any new fish you really need to have the salt in with the mollies I know it gets real upsetting to lose a fish but if you can work with us on this mabey we can figure out what went wrong. Is there any way you can take a sample to the lfs and get it tested and mabey get us some readings so we can try to figure out what is happening to your mollies. If the tan hasnt been up and running for very long then my guess would be high ammonia or nitrites one. If it hasnt been running for very long and if you cant get us any readings then heres is what I would suggest for you to do change out atleast 10 percent of your water everyday for a while until you tank gets threw with it cycle. I know it is a lot of extra work but it will save your fish. Also I would if I were you get some salt and add it to your tank if you dont have any scaless fish in there.
beltdrive said:
What I am trying to say is was the filter new or has it bin running in the tank.
Because if it has bin in the tank, it would have built up beneficial bacteria,
and when you wash it under the tap you would have killed most if not all the beneficial bacteria.

Have you read about cycling

But like what bigfish said you nead a test kit
ok its ben running it hasnt ben washed! i just washed it and cleaned out the tank!
the best thing i can tell you since you cant get us any readings is to change out your water 10 percent everyday until you get your tank cycled . It sounds to me like you are having trouble with your ammonia and nitrites and the only way you will be able to save your fish is to change the water.
Ok, you really should've used tap water so the fish wouldn't stress. Seccondly if you just added the water + de chlorinater then like beltdrive said there wasn't alot of benefitial bacteria. What you should do is firstly either used tap water and monitored it for like 4 days doings tests etc... or you could use tank water.

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