Molly Pregnant?


New Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Hi there

Could anyone tell me if my orange molly is pregnant?



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Really? Due any day, Oh my god, did think she was pregnant but wanted to ask just to be sure but did not think she was ready to give birth!

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Would you put her in a breeding trap, or net, or just leave her in the tank?

Depends on how many fry u want, all fish will eat fry, so if i left them in the tank with no help almost all will be eaten. How ever given plenty of hideing places some fry will surive.
If you keep just mollies in the tank half should survive.
If u want to have most of them then trapping the fry is best, but you could soon be over run with fry.
I think she will drop tonight or tomorrow night...

If you have a trap, put her in it, 48hrs max.
Oh hell, I didn't think she was that close, to drop tonight? Or tomorrow, shows what I know doesn't it.

I do not have a breeding trap big enough, the one I have is small and would restrict her movement, I do have a breeding net though, and understand some may get eaten with them having nowhere to go, she is at the moment going up to the top of the corner of the tank and seems to be pecking at the top, but is still swimming about all over then going back to the top, I think I may just leave her as I do not want to upset her by putting her in a restricted place, I shall keep my eye on her and if she does decide to have babies tonight I shall hopefully beable to catch some.

Thanks for the help
Place her in the trap you have, if she really struggles to get out bad then release her, if she aint that bad she will be fine, turn the lights immiediatly after placing her in the trap :)
OK I have got her in, she seems ok, not thrashing about or anything, have turned light off as suggested, I could be in for a long night!
Like i say m8, usually when a fish is ready to drop, they are unsocial and dont swim much, so even little traps are fine, if she points her nose down and like swims upwards against the trap (hard to explain but if u see it you will know what i mean) dont be bothered by this, they do this when the fry is on its way out.

Good luck and any more help just ask :)
hey i left a comment on another thread but im eagerly seeking advice, my molly deliver around 25 fry around 3 days ago and isnt swimming correctly, doesnt look in haelthy shape and looks to be lacking any energy or strength. ive tried swim bladder treatments as a precaution but there is no improvement, ive had to segregate her to stop the male chasing her round the tank as she doesnt look able to handle it. what could be the problem and how can i resolve it?
hey i left a comment on another thread but im eagerly seeking advice, my molly deliver around 25 fry around 3 days ago and isnt swimming correctly, doesnt look in haelthy shape and looks to be lacking any energy or strength. ive tried swim bladder treatments as a precaution but there is no improvement, ive had to segregate her to stop the male chasing her round the tank as she doesnt look able to handle it. what could be the problem and how can i resolve it?

Well I am not too sure, maybe ask 5teady....? He is good with knowledge of livebearers.
hey i left a comment on another thread but im eagerly seeking advice, my molly deliver around 25 fry around 3 days ago and isnt swimming correctly, doesnt look in haelthy shape and looks to be lacking any energy or strength. ive tried swim bladder treatments as a precaution but there is no improvement, ive had to segregate her to stop the male chasing her round the tank as she doesnt look able to handle it. what could be the problem and how can i resolve it?

I see wilder is answering your questions in the emergencies section, she is very good with problems like this so take her advice as its good ;)

Good luck hope she recovers
Well she is still hanging on, still in the breeding trap, if there is nothing there in the morning, then I shall take her out.


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