Molly - male or female?


New Member
Apr 20, 2021
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Hi. Just noticed 4 fry in my tank. Thought I had 4 male mollies but does not seem to be the case. Can anybody confirm if this one is the female?

In the photo, the anal fin (the one underneath right in front of the tail) is not terribly clear - does it look like a normal fan shape or is it rod shaped? If it's fan shaped, it's a female; if it's rod shaped, it's a male. But it does look in the photo more like a folded up fan than a rod, so I think it's female.
Hi, Thanks for commenting. It looks more fan like when compared to the others in the tank. They certainly look more rod like.
Do you think this one looks pregnant still? Is there a way of telling which one has given birth?
That does not look like a rod shaped anal fin, properly called a gonopodium.

If this is the only molly with a fan shaped anal fin, this is the one which have birth. She doesn't look big enough to have more to come. There could well have been a lot more which were probably eaten - or they are hiding and you have yet to find them. Also, if she's young she won't have as many fry as a mature female. But she will probably have more fry in another 4 to 6 weeks.

But I do need to warn you that 1 female and 3 males is not a good ratio. Males will pester a female almost continually and with three males pestering one female she will become exhausted. The usual recommendation is 1 male, 3 females, though this does lead to a lot of fry.
Ok thanks again. When we got the fish we were under the impression that they were all male. I’ll call the fish shop and see if they will take her back . I guess I’ll also have to wait to see what sex the fry will be. I didn’t particularly want to have them breeding as we only have a small tank.

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