Molly information


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
I've had tank full of mollys (and two platys) for about a month now. I'm hooked on mollys. I'm even budgeting for a 29 or 55 gal tank by Christmas. Currently, I have 6 adults and one baby (hopefully it will survive). I am interested in learning all I can about this breed of fish. I tried just observing them, but they seem to get a little freaked out by this. Anyway, does anyone know of any good sources, whether it be books, magazines, websites, etc. where I can learn more about Mollys? (sources specific to mollys would be great). Also, when i do finally get my bigger tank, any suggestions of types/colors of mollys that you all like that you'd recommend? I want a really colorful tank. Currently, I have on dalmation, one golden, one white, and three that are silver orange and black. Are there red mollys or maybe green or blues? Any insights would be welcome. :D
MountGuppy said:
i like black and silver lyretail mollys
i have both of those lol! well let me find sites for you and i will give you the links soon! I LOVE MOLLYS TO!
thanks everyone! i'm a lyretail lover, especially the black ones and the dalmations. thanks for the link to the tropical fishkeeping site. great source site. will have to try to find the book. also found some great stuff to keep in mind for when i get a bigger tank in hte coming months.
you guys rock! :thumbs:
the nearest thing to a redish orangeish mollie is is a silfin they com ein redish colour males are often more redier!!! :D :thumbs: and also anything u want to know about mollies just ask us an d even me i will be glad to help!!! :D :thumbs:
Kissifish said:
Love your doggy, Mount Guppy.

For sources, try this book: Guppies, Mollies, and Platys by Harro Hieronimus. Recommended by Mollies
Yes that is a good book, with a bit of luck I'll be getting some endlers from harro over the next months which i look forward very much to :) :thumbs:
Hi! I live in Bremerton, Washington, and raise mostly gold dust molllies, with some pineapple and red swordtails mixed in.

My gold mollie momma (who has since passed on) had several batches of babies, and while most were black and gold (Dad was a black mollie), five were - get this - GREEN. With silver bellies and bluish tints to the lower part of the tail. They are all about 3/4 " long right now and still growing, but this is the first time I have ever seen green in a molly.

Just thought I would toss that out.....


Green??? I bet that is neat :D

I breed Black Lyretails I currently have 38 babies!!!! I just bought a Silver Female, and Black Female (these are regular tails) and a Light Orange Lyretail female...I am excited to see what kind of babies i will have since the only male in the tank is a Black Lyretail he is gorgeous!! But the only problem is he wont touch my orange female :crazy:

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