molly had babies


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
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Bucks, England
My black molly had babies last night, there are now in a breeding tank, i have 6 live babies from what i can see, unfortunately found a few dead ones this morning, this is our first pregnancy so really really happy,

Went to lfs this morning and they had run out of liquid fry, so i have given crushed up flakes (read forums-and it said that was ok to do)

Could only buy brine shrimp in frozen form - is this ok and when shall i give it to them?(read about this in forum too, but could not find the post agin)

Also i have not put light on in breeding tank, how old do they need to be before i can use the light? Should i keep them in darkness ie put a blanket over top and sides of tank?

After checking my community tank, my silver molly is pregnate (I knew she was - but now know what a gravid spot is-Thanks to these forums), think i may have a couple of weekes left thou - cant wait.

And any other useful advice would be appreciated

Thanks a lot :D
yay fishy babes! good for u! :D
i give my fish food about lunch time i dont think its a good idea to put the blanket around them they should be able to see the world around them the light can be put on since there not edible to other fish good luck! :D :)
thanx fisho22, will not use blanket, I think i have found another dead one,so down to 5 - really hope the rest survive.
i have never heard of anybody worrying about putting the lite of for there fry. i put the lite on in my tank as soon as they r bornen and it doesn't seem to affect them at all.
yeah, think i was being overprocted of them, and also getting confused with danios as i have read on forums that you leave the eggs in the dark. Ihave learnt so much over the last couple of days, my brain is gettting frazzled. :*)

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