Molly Fry


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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Edmonton AB Canada
My molly droped 22 fry last night at around midnight. 1 died shortly after(under developed). Does anyone have any advice on molly fry. Now my molly looks like she is going to drop again. It's been almost 24 hours. Is this possible?
thats awesome, i have 7 in my tank - but they are about 3 months old now. but... the weird thing is, even though i read that at 3 months they should be about adult sized, they are still so small! 3 are actually decent sized, they are hefty fella's about 3/4 inch.... but the rest are mini! just barely bigger than when they were born! for the first month of their lives i kept them in a breeding net, inside the tank, and i am starting to think maybe this stunted their growth? otherwise i have to say they are tough little guys, survived a bout of fungus medication, etc.
Congrats ........ Feed them live foods and a tank on the warmer side they should grow quite nicely. Yes it is possible for her to give birth to more..... My female sword drop a few about 3 days ago and still looks like some are int here but I keep a close eye on her and she seems fine. As far as the underdevoloped that is common in mollies prodaminantly

As for the other guy mollies are not full grown at 2 months they are merely ready to be sold in a lfs ...... It will be another good 6-8 months IMOE before the reach near adult size maybe less but I know what you mean I can't wait for mine to get bigger :)
I seen my BB's have fry for 3 days. Along with the normal food I give them I add a slice of zuchinnie they like to eat all day and night. This way if they need a snack they got one. With mollies I just let it float. And turning the heat you to about 82 will help in faster growing. I also leave the lights on 24 hours a day in my fry tanks. But this will cuase algae. But I just look at it as more food for the fry. Bit these are not my main tanks and are out of site.
:cool: my white molly and my dalmation molly both had fry within the past week and a half. my tank is planted with live plants for them to hide in. the temp is 80 degrees. ive been feeding the finely crushed fish flakes and frozen baby brine shrimp. They are growing like crazy. Although, BBS causes more waste not to mention the fact that there is more fish, I do water changes every other day to keep my levels in check. I also found some beautiful java moss and java fern today at a fish specialty store, which i read here helps with ammonia and nitrate levels.

Oh yeah, they gave both gave birth on several different days each, so have different size fry swimming happily around.

CONGRATS!!!!!! and good luck :lol: :fun: :* :hyper:
Congrats I got about 50 - 70 molie fry at the moment. Yes it is common 4 a female mollie to drop at different points in pregnancy. One of my mollies has given birth evry friday for the last month! Shes had about 30! all are at diiferent stages of development- its rlly interesting. Enjoy

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